Fried taters NO OIL!

Crunchy on the outside, soft in the middle.

One little potato in the Instant Pot for 4 minutes, and a quick release on the pressure.

Then I took the HOT potato and quartered long ways and started to pound half way through with the BACK side of the blade.

This causes the smooth surface to become…not smooth … this so that the Hot Air Cooker will ‘brown’ the broken edges and they become crunchy.

Since this broke the quartered parts, I just cut it all into chunks and beat those as mentioned before.

Into the Hot Air Cooker, 400 degrees, for 7 minutes and there you go.

But sure you let these cool a bit before you eat them.

As I devoured these, I put no seasoning, ketchup, or sauce on them …

… just ate them, just like you see them.

Not counting calories, not measuring protein, not fearing carbs.

People get all ‘bent out of shape’ when you say BMI…

Just mention BMI and most folks are going to yell something like ” Those things are crap!”

BMIBody Mass Index

BMI = (Weight in Pounds / (Height in inches x Height in inches)) x 703= your BMI.

Accepted levels… according to google…

Underweight: BMI is less than 18.5

Normal weight: BMI is 18.5 to 24.9

Overweight: BMI is 25 to 29.9

Obese: BMI is 30 or more

Morbid Obesity is a Serious Health Condition. … An individual is considered morbidly obese if he or she is 100 pounds over his/her ideal body weight, has a BMI of 40 or more, or 35 or more and experiencing obesity-related health conditions, such as high blood pressure or diabetes.

When I weighed 240, my BMI was 36.48.

My Dental Hygienist, Marcy,  told me for a number of years I had high blood pressure and needed to see a Doctor about it, but I did the Family Tradition of ignoring an issue, so it would ‘go away’.

Also, I had a method of going back out to the Extended Cab F-150 where I had a stash of Survival Food in the back seating area to live from, in case a Dirty Bomb was detonated 240 miles above the State of Kansas, ruining the electrical system in the engine, thus requiring me to journey home by foot

Snacking almost every moment while driving was a tradition I had started to help me stay alert, and to forget the High Blood Pressure warnings from Marcy, and be ‘well fed’ so I could make the 100 mile walk back home to guard the Homestead from zombies and hungry neighbors.

I thought the plan was working.

At least there has been no Dirty Bombs above Kansas.

Any way, back to pissing people off…. BMI …

Today, November 15, 2017 I broke a milestone…. I weighed 161.6.

I had been hovering around 162 – 165 for a few months now. ( and as always Never Counting Calories, Never Measuring Protein, Never Fearing Carbs!)

At todays weight of 161.6 my BMI is 24.56.

According to the ‘Standard’ measuring, I am just now encroaching into the ‘NORMAL RANGE’ for a man who is 5’8″ height.

Too lazy to stand up, and pose…

So I near 80 pounds of weight lost, and am barely ‘into’ a normal weight.  But then, look at that belly in that picture.

WEIGHT! (no!) wait!… that Brindle thing to my left is not my belly, that is Elton LT, Chief Editor in Charge of Blog Publications.  (What a lazy ‘wanker’) [Damned Brit].

One of my HEROES and Doctor whom I follow… is Dr. Joel Fuhrman.

You can find tons of great stuff by him on you tube.  I have ‘read’ his book ‘Eat to Live’ close to 10 times, as well as several others he has written.

He has a different opinion about BMI.

Ok, 105 + 45 = 150.  According to Dr. Furhman… My ideal weight is 150.

That means I would need to lose almost 12 more pounds.

And months ago, I was called an old man with arms looking like skin and bones.

It upsets people when I talk about this.

I feel safe talking about it here since I am fairly sure no one ever reads the blogs at this time, and I have not made it to any morning shows or been on any pod cast…

I have never focused on dropping weight.

Although, GETTING HEALTHY, and removing TOXIC FAT from my body HAS BEEN MY GOAL.

Weight loss and becoming SO SEXY has been a wonderful side effect.

In the near future I want to explain about the Visceral Fat that is holding the toxins near to my vital organs…

… but that will have to weight…NO! wait! till next time…

Until then live in peace, NOT COUNTING CALORIES…


Live in PEACE Fearing NO Carbs…

Do THIS! Don’t do that!

Personally, I believe I ‘grew up’ in the greatest time as far music is concerned.

Our family went to every Buck Owens and the Buckaroos concert that came to Lubbock, Texas.  I met Buck backstage, as he signed the latest album Dad bought.

Dad bought a lot of albums.

But there was a thin line of the type of music Dad bought…Country and Western, and Bluegrass.

Rock and Roll…never.

Once in 1963 or maybe 64, I was doing some twist dancing in my bedroom as my big brother and I were enjoying some Rock and Roll over the AM radio from the station KSEL out of Lubbock.

All the sudden Dad was at the door and said to “… turn that down!”

I never once got a spanking from Dad as I recall.  He never lifted a hand to me.  But by golly, I was sure afraid there might be a first time.

He stood in the doorway to the room and said it was ok to listen to ‘that kind’ of music, and ok to even dance to it, BUT that we were to never let him catch us doing it in public.

Well, I never forgot that mandate, and what I assumed was a threat of some type.  I also assumed that the music played over that station must be … naughty… or something like that…

But I still enjoyed my Rock Music…. with caution.

There is a song titled ‘SIGNS’ released in 1970 by a group called 5 Man Electric Band, that holds a special place in my life.  It is a rebellious anthem against…’the machine’, ‘the establishment’, or maybe, mandates against rocking and rolling in public.

I find myself saying the lyrics again and again all these years later…

“Signs, signs, everywhere a sign
Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?”

I have always had an issue with being told what to do.

I guess that is why I have enjoyed this song so much.

And why I have enjoyed this picture…

Notice the Dads running into the frame at the top of the picture?  Some ONE did not read the signs.


I am really proud of myself for the restraint I am developing in my later years.  I am learning to keep my mouth shut at most opportunities.  Well ok, at least MORE than normal…

I can do silent ‘Face Palms’, and gentle ‘SMH’ and not cause a scene, and by doing so, no debates are started, and emotions are not inflamed.

After all, I am supposed to be leading a calm life, and avoiding stress.

In the crazy diet foolish world we live in today, we are told to march to the beat, obey the signs, Count the Calories, Measure the Protein, FEAR THE CARBS.

Why don’t we just nail our left foot to the floor, run around in circles, and complain that we just can’t get anywhere in life?

My diet is simple.  Whole food.  Plants. Beans. Nuts and Seeds.  All just as close to WHOLE as possible.

That simplicity does remove a lot of the drama at the ‘water fountain’ though.


But, on the other hand, Health, Reversed Chronic Diseases, No Meds, do these thing not make for a more pleasant day?

The 60s and 70s offered a large number of songs that raged against the machine.  And as I recall, some that were banned in the Conservative area where I grew up.

I find it odd that some of that music is played as ‘elevator’, ‘easy listening’ today.

Times change.

I hope I change.

I had mentioned in one of the first blogs I published that I was considering an end to the Pony Tail I have been growing for many years now.  It takes time for Betty to fix, it is a pain to wash, and wearing a good cap is all but impossible…plus it may be pulling the hairline back quicker.

But then there are times when I think I need to keep it because it pisses some folks to see me be different.

“…And the sign said “Long-haired freaky people need not apply”
So I tucked my hair up under my hat and I went in to ask him why
He said “You look like a fine upstanding young man, I think you’ll do”
So I took off my hat, I said “Imagine that. Huh! Me workin’ for you!”

Imagine that…

Count No Calories, Measure No Protein, FEAR NO CARBS!

right on Brother!




Cabbage for Lunch….Just RAW Cabbage?

Yes, this was my lunch one day last summer.  And I ate every bit by myself.  I offered some to Betty, and she declined.

Do you have any idea how long it takes to chew a container of Red (I call it Purple) Cabbage?

Well, now that you asked, I am glad to tell you… a long time!

If your jaws are not used to this type of a workout, you could be a bit sore later on from the effort.

But it is good. It is really good for you too.

This deep color indicates there are more anti oxidants in the vegetable as well in fruits.

The color of most cabbage you see in the stores will be the light green color, but they almost always have this rich purple available too.

It is my favorite!

Just like Grapes.  We are so accustomed to seeing the ‘white’ grapes but the Red Grapes are actually better for you since they have more color/ antioxidants….THEN there are my favorite, the ‘Black” Grape.

Anyway, back to the Cabbage…. the Purple Cabbage.

I add this vegetable to Breakfast, Lunch, Supper, Dinner, and Snacks.

Now as for those nearly 60 years before I became Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB)… I would have never eaten this Cabbage, raw, cooked or canned.  Nor the “White’Cabbage either.

I didn’t like the way it tasted.  It was not fried and did not have any meat.  My attitude in those days was WHY EAT IT?!

These days, post WFPB, it is my favorite food…. well, with a lot of other new favorite foods…. all WHOLE FOODS Plants and the such.

My taste changed, and changed BIG TIME.

It is so wonderful when you recover the function of taste in the tongue.  Mine was so burned out by salt and processed sugar, I had to ‘chase the dragon’ to ever enjoy the taste of anything.

Not now…. raw cabbage, the stalk of Broccoli, Grapefruit, Washington Delicious Apples, Tofu,  Collard, Mustard, Turnip Greens, KALE !  it all tastes wonderful!  Sometimes the stalk of Collard Greens is like a delightful candy bar it is so sweet.

I love eating WFPB.  And I love that I can STUFF MY FACE anytime I get hungry.  And the entire time I ….


and….. I eat as many fruit as I possibly can, every day.  Like a BOSS!!!

Keep it simple… simple Whole Food.

Today’s Breakfast is just about as simple as you can get.

I scrubbed the potatoes and zucchini and put the potatoes in the Hot Air Cooker about 12 minutes at 350.

When I could handle them I tried taking a big knife on it’s side and squashing them.

The first two went shooting out from the cutting board onto the floor.  I practiced the guys 5 second rule and ….. ok, I washed them off.  But only because my blogs are the Whole Truth, about Whole Food, and my honest adventures with all that… …

So, cutting them in half, I then squashed them to about a quarter an inch thick and placed back in the Hot Air Cooker.  The skins that remained after the first two were now learning experiences, were also placed in the bottom of the tray.  Five more minutes at 370.  (Those skins will be the main subject of another Blog, another time!!)

Now they were getting golden brown in a few places.  The skins were getting crunchy!

OH! and the last 5 minutes I tossed in three zucchini and at the end of that cycle, I cut them in half and then flattened them and placed back in the tray on top of the pot holder so they would be free from touching the potatoes.

My goal was as much golden crunchy as possible.

This is the end product…

Unfortunately, a few of the more crunchy selections were gone before I took this picture, but you get the picture, right?

Also, while I was waiting for these the be ready, I was watching a video on one of my four ‘devices’ on the correct manner to open, and eat a Pomegranate.

So, in the last picture of the simple breakfast, we can recall my simple Whole Food Breakfast.  To make it even more simple, I could had just eaten an apple, banana, orange, grapefruit and even a cold baked, or Air Roasted Whole Potato.

That kind of a meal is really simple and good for you.

Except that I did complicate things this morning because I had to chase two run way Potatoes, and clean their tracks from the floor. (five second rule or not)

But I never counted any CALORIES, never measured any PROTEIN, and NEVER FEARED ANY CARBS!!

 Put a fork in it, I’m done !


Another Compost Bin Discovery!

An Avocado!

Betty was getting some of the completed ‘compost’, when she saw this seed on the left doing its best to become a tree.

She gently extracted it and brought it in the house, and this is a picture a few days later.

I have everything we need to move it to a new, secure ‘home’, and have that on the ‘to do list for today’.

Speaking of that ‘to do list’, I am awake at 2 am this morning drinking my Gunpowder Green Tea, with a slice of Lemon, actually writing that list on paper.

Yep, I am going ‘old school’ this morning… pen and paper.

Somethings just seem to work better doing it the old fashioned way.

There are many plans today, one of which is getting decorations out of the attic ( already done) and getting them assembled and secured for a few weeks in the weather.  I will post the pictures and hopefully a short video of our decorating exposition.

And be sure, I am not a fan of the holidays, but I do enjoy decorating.  It is always a sad time to take down a tree with all the lights and bulbs and put it away.  I want to leave the lights up all year.

In fact, as we are writing this morning, these lights just came on at 2:26 am. and are timed to go off around 7am.

When we were moving in months ago, I threw these lights around the front window to come on once in the morning as well as the evening… to give the appearance of someone here.

Oh, and I mentioned ‘we’… the Chief Editor in Charge of Blog Publications has appeared at the ‘desk’ and has forced his nose into the construction of this post.

He seems to feel his contribution is best applied when his chin is on my leg, which is a bit ‘cattie whompus’ for my self taught typing skills, but I forge on with the completion of the task at hand as my only motivation… yeah, whatever.

I am suffering from a very painful fever blister that has appeared for no reason at all, and what seems to be a visit from the running nose, itching eyes aggravation that seems to show up about once a year.  It makes my face look like someone gave it a good scrub down with sand paper and the eyes are ‘shot’.  Maybe it will be a light episode and I can return to a normal status soon.

I will be honest, I had hoped being WFPB NO SOS would have protected me from these annoyances like this, but then I still have gray hair too, so, eating healthy didn’t change that either.

Yet ….

Anyway, back to the Avocado sprouting.

(Wait, Elton LT is shifting around again…. I am beginning to wonder if this English Bull Dog thinks like a Cat and wants to just flop on the keyboard, and demand I pay 100% attention to him, and stop typing ….. mercy)

Yeah, I am amazed at this seed sprouting in the compost, as I was with the Mango Seed a few days ago.  Hey! In the Summer there were dozens of Butter Nut Squash sprouting in the Compost Bin.  I transplanted as many as I could, but none produced any fruit.  With all these trees on the property, there is not enough Sunlight to contribute to crops like Squash, Tomatoes etc…. but the plants are sure pretty.

This week of November 5 through 11th I had had the shock of my oldest sons 40 Birthday, found this Avocado, started for the 12th(?) time to listen to “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger, and made a decision to walk the Appalachian Trail some time before my 85th Birthday.

Perhaps that is why I find the discovery of this Avocado Seed so intriguing.

Something placed in a facility of decomposing, and it said “NO! I will not accept the position expected of me, I will do what I want…”.

Defiance… open resistance, bold disobedience, resistance, opposition, noncompliance, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance…. to these words I add Avocado’ing and Mango’ing.

Self determined is another word you could use…

Someone once asked me how I could eat the way I do, and I have decided part of the reason is that I was told it would serve no value, that it seemed to be humorous that I would put my trust into food to be my medicine, and that my medicine would be my food.

So I was placed into a position and told to accept that as normal.  Don’t waste your time thinking outside the ‘box’.

At those times I begin to hear the sounds of Pink Floyds “Another Brick In The Wall”…

Be the Mango.  Be the Avocado.

You can make the change from a SAD way of eating, and decide to be moving toward a Healthy Life Style.  Just remember, you have been placed into a Compost Bin for a designed purpose not in your best interest.

There will come a time when you have to Be the Mango, or Be the Avocado, and say NO!

Start a new life.

Never Count Calories, Never Measure Protein, Never Fear Carbs!

‘Sprout’ a new life.  Feel the FREEDOM.  You will love it!

Livestock, are people no better than LIVESTOCK?

Ok, when I get on one of my SOAP BOXES I have been know to tell people that the American Public is no better than a herd of LIVESTOCK for the Medical Mafia/Pharmaceutical Pushers money making plans….

According to a google search I just did, there are reported to be an average of 1369.86 ByPass Surgeries a day in ‘Merica, land of more FAST FOOD DEATH DRIVE UPs than you can shake a scalpel at…

According to Eating You Alive Documentary, in 2010, there were 1083 ByPass Surgeries a day. (you must watch this movie!)

I can’t even imagine how many STENT PLACEMENTS a day are performed, but one thing I do know, on average all these procedures are almost guaranteed to be repeat customers for the Surgeon, Hospital, Pharmaceuticals, and the entire ‘kit and kaboom’ of that INDUSTRY.

Most all the ‘Livestock’ getting these procedures will be back for more because they are sent home in most cases being told just continue to do the same thing you did to get to the ‘Stockyards of Surgeons and Pharma Pushers INC.’ in the first place.

Folks, any Business Man or Woman can tell you the BEST Customer is the REPEAT CUSTOMER!!

(Moderation in all things including diet MY ASS!  MODERATION HELL !!! Ask your wife, Husband, or Sweety Hunny Buns if you can be MODERATELY faithful in your relationship and see what MODERATION will get you in that!  Ask your BOSS if you can MODERATELY use cocaine while on the job!!??  See if you can stick your head under water and moderately breath H2O…. you get my point)

Look y’all, I am not a Doctor nor a professional anything, so don’t be taking any advice from from an old man who is just skin and bones…. and who trims trees standing on this…..

… and do not take medical advice from a crazy guy whole draws pictures like this…

nor can you trust a fellow who has bad hair days like this….

But really, why do we not have Medical Professions and Procedures guiding the masses toward a Healthy Life Style instead of guiding them to a pathway of repeat surgeries and medications?

Because to tell someone to eat Whole Foods Plant Based, and get well, will not bring the livestock back to the Stockyards for repeat money making opportunities.

…. just keep MOOOOOOOOving along here folks, nothing the see …

No Calories Counted, No Protein Measured, NO CARBS FEARED!



Eating the Rainbow, Cooking Dog Treats… All in the same Pot!

On the left is the Instant Pot loaded and ready for a quick steam, and the right is a bowl of these items ready to eat.  That second picture is a lesser quality so it is not as pretty.

The next picture is the NEXT night and almost the same items plus some DOG TREATS in the same pot.

Yes, the carrots are the dog treats.

Our Chief Editor of Blog Publications, Elton LT (the English Bull Dog) has become addicted to Steamed Carrots.  So I can cook for myself and him at the same time, same Pot.

This is a picture of Elton LT begging for some Halloween Candy, which he did not get.  He did get some carrots for part of his Supper, and as a treat.

( Ok, I tried to load a video here but failed…. maybe later … you will love it !)

Any how, my niece asked me how long I steam the veggies, and here is the answer I gave her on that social media site for….

“… ‘How long do you cook it?’

Just as quick as possible.
The Instant Pot takes just a few minutes to get to a ‘steam’, and when that steam builds enough to engage the pressure value, the timer starts.
I set the timer for ‘ZERO’ cooking time so the heating unit turns off.
I prefer lightly steamed vegetables, so when the unit locks the pressure value, I will do a manual pressure release, open the lid, and remove the basket as soon as possible.
Since the cup of water I added to the steamer is now a different color, I figure there is some of my nutrients from the vegetables, in that water.
Some times I will add that water to some plain Old Fashion Oats for soaking. That flavor, and color is absorbed into the uncooked Oats, and they become almost like a ‘meatloaf’ to my way of tasting.
I do the same thing to the juice from Blue Berries. I will take a dash of Almond Milk and shake it in a just emptied bag of formally Frozen Blue Berries, then pour it over uncooked Old Fashion Oats, let them soak, and I have pretty BLUE Oats, that I THINK, salvaged all that nutritious color blue from being thrown in the trash.
I have the idea from all my listening to books and the such, that since plants get their particular nutritional values from the Sun, I am getting all the ‘goodies’ offered in Sunlight, photosynthesis, etc and releasing them inside my body for what it needs to function as was intended.
Any ‘colors’ from fruit or vegetables that remain on a cutting board, in a cooking pot or on my white shirt! are wasted opportunity to eat Sunlight… or as others have said, eat the Rainbow.”
So, there you go, eat the rainbow and cook some Doggie Treats at the same time.
No Calories Counted, No Protein Measured, NO CARBS FEARED!


Are you having a Heart Attack?

This is what I am about to steam for my supper so that I can make myself Heart Attack proof!

Collard, Turnip and Mustard Greens, Kale, Green, Yellow, and Red Bell Peppers, Broccoli, Rice and Mayocoba Beans and a Tomato.

In the Instant Pot, I will allow the steam to rise until the Cooker goes under pressure.  At that point the temperature will turn off and heat no longer.  I will attempt to stand near enough that I can manually release the pressure, and serve it with lots of Hot Sauce, and to night I may add some Mustard.

And seriously…GUYS, if you are even remotely concerned with those pains you are having in your chest, and you are too tough, or proud to tell your wife, or who ever, READ THIS BOOK!

Remember, IF you have lived on the Standard American Diet (SAD) for your whole life, you have Heart Disease.  Probably since you were ten years old….

Just get over it….you have been turned into an obedient consumer and the crap you are eating is plugging the 60,000 miles of arteries and veins carrying your blood around your body.

Think about it…. how is a stent or two placed in a couple if inches of crap filled arteries and veins gonna solve the issue of the 60,000 miles of the same system of arteries and veins plugged with the same stuff where the Stent or By Pass occurred.

Being a tough macho man will get you this…

… or even this

When this thing starts to itch, there is hardly any relief.

Ok, here is the result of Steaming….

At the last minute I added half a Lemon, a few peanuts,  a Apple,  and BLUE BERRIES!  WOW!

Well what a weird Blog tonight right?


Today was one of those days.  Really disturbing.

I know a person who I can say is an acquaintance.  Not at a level of what I would call a ‘friend’.

This person has had another Heart Attack.

It is disturbing.

So I come home and do what I can do…

I eat to make my Heart Disease go away.

I eat to prevent any more Health Issues in my life.

I post pictures on my Blog Page and hope it will be there in case someone who is ready to see it, and be encouraged, can and will.

Count no calories, Measure no Protein, FEAR NO CARBS!

(but I do fear needless suffering….)