Another Compost Bin Discovery!

An Avocado!

Betty was getting some of the completed ‘compost’, when she saw this seed on the left doing its best to become a tree.

She gently extracted it and brought it in the house, and this is a picture a few days later.

I have everything we need to move it to a new, secure ‘home’, and have that on the ‘to do list for today’.

Speaking of that ‘to do list’, I am awake at 2 am this morning drinking my Gunpowder Green Tea, with a slice of Lemon, actually writing that list on paper.

Yep, I am going ‘old school’ this morning… pen and paper.

Somethings just seem to work better doing it the old fashioned way.

There are many plans today, one of which is getting decorations out of the attic ( already done) and getting them assembled and secured for a few weeks in the weather.  I will post the pictures and hopefully a short video of our decorating exposition.

And be sure, I am not a fan of the holidays, but I do enjoy decorating.  It is always a sad time to take down a tree with all the lights and bulbs and put it away.  I want to leave the lights up all year.

In fact, as we are writing this morning, these lights just came on at 2:26 am. and are timed to go off around 7am.

When we were moving in months ago, I threw these lights around the front window to come on once in the morning as well as the evening… to give the appearance of someone here.

Oh, and I mentioned ‘we’… the Chief Editor in Charge of Blog Publications has appeared at the ‘desk’ and has forced his nose into the construction of this post.

He seems to feel his contribution is best applied when his chin is on my leg, which is a bit ‘cattie whompus’ for my self taught typing skills, but I forge on with the completion of the task at hand as my only motivation… yeah, whatever.

I am suffering from a very painful fever blister that has appeared for no reason at all, and what seems to be a visit from the running nose, itching eyes aggravation that seems to show up about once a year.  It makes my face look like someone gave it a good scrub down with sand paper and the eyes are ‘shot’.  Maybe it will be a light episode and I can return to a normal status soon.

I will be honest, I had hoped being WFPB NO SOS would have protected me from these annoyances like this, but then I still have gray hair too, so, eating healthy didn’t change that either.

Yet ….

Anyway, back to the Avocado sprouting.

(Wait, Elton LT is shifting around again…. I am beginning to wonder if this English Bull Dog thinks like a Cat and wants to just flop on the keyboard, and demand I pay 100% attention to him, and stop typing ….. mercy)

Yeah, I am amazed at this seed sprouting in the compost, as I was with the Mango Seed a few days ago.  Hey! In the Summer there were dozens of Butter Nut Squash sprouting in the Compost Bin.  I transplanted as many as I could, but none produced any fruit.  With all these trees on the property, there is not enough Sunlight to contribute to crops like Squash, Tomatoes etc…. but the plants are sure pretty.

This week of November 5 through 11th I had had the shock of my oldest sons 40 Birthday, found this Avocado, started for the 12th(?) time to listen to “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger, and made a decision to walk the Appalachian Trail some time before my 85th Birthday.

Perhaps that is why I find the discovery of this Avocado Seed so intriguing.

Something placed in a facility of decomposing, and it said “NO! I will not accept the position expected of me, I will do what I want…”.

Defiance… open resistance, bold disobedience, resistance, opposition, noncompliance, insubordination, dissent, recalcitrance…. to these words I add Avocado’ing and Mango’ing.

Self determined is another word you could use…

Someone once asked me how I could eat the way I do, and I have decided part of the reason is that I was told it would serve no value, that it seemed to be humorous that I would put my trust into food to be my medicine, and that my medicine would be my food.

So I was placed into a position and told to accept that as normal.  Don’t waste your time thinking outside the ‘box’.

At those times I begin to hear the sounds of Pink Floyds “Another Brick In The Wall”…

Be the Mango.  Be the Avocado.

You can make the change from a SAD way of eating, and decide to be moving toward a Healthy Life Style.  Just remember, you have been placed into a Compost Bin for a designed purpose not in your best interest.

There will come a time when you have to Be the Mango, or Be the Avocado, and say NO!

Start a new life.

Never Count Calories, Never Measure Protein, Never Fear Carbs!

‘Sprout’ a new life.  Feel the FREEDOM.  You will love it!

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