A GOOD WRAP for Breakfast This Morning

These wraps are really good when the Collard Greens are so tasty, the stalk is like CANDY!

They are not always that quality, but these were.

I enjoy the sweet and …. dang, what do I say? ‘Salty?’ contrast in a bite of food.

(Since I have not added salt to anything I have eaten in over two years I hesitate to call a flavor salty since it might confuse a new follower of my stuff…. so for any newbies, I add NO SALT to anything, ever, nada, zilch, no way never,  not even that pink stuff …)

I enjoy the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ taste combination…. Sweet and Salty.

Ok, then I Hot Air Cooked some Potatoes and Mushrooms.  The potatoes were just cut and cooked on the Hot Air Cooker Programmed timer for roasted potatoes, and shaken at 4 minutes remaining.  This is where I threw in the mushroom slices which had been marinating in Low Sodium Soy Sauce, Garlic Powder, Turmeric, Onion Powder for 5 days?.

I nearly missed getting these into the mix for the Patties seen in the Wrap Picture because my Girl Betty was scarfing these from the Hot Air Pan while yelling, “… the ‘presentation’ is NOT PRETTY, DON’T POST THAT UGLY PIC!”

( I guess SHE WAS CORRECT AGAIN! damn, as usual… BUT SHE DID EAT THE ‘ugly’ MUSHROOMs!) smh… …

(Note to self… if Betty likes the Mushroom fixed this way, get more.  She asked why I eat them and what are the nutritional value, and all I could remember they are really good for you… NutritionFacts.org had a video on that one time[blog this subject in future])

(( Note to readers… if MY Miss Betty likes something I make… it is rare.  I mean to say, IF SHE LIKES it, that is rare, so I have to remember those items and make notes.  I find a lot of my stuff good! and sometimes great, but I admit my ‘tastes’ are often questionable to the average human.  If Betty likes it, then I have done a rare thing that her taste would enjoy and request repeat performances.  A good number of my things I create in the kitchen get a ‘look’, and that is all.))

Ok, the patties you see in the Wrap Pic ….

I wanted something heavy like a pancake, or cornbread cake this morning.

So I started with a good handful of Old Fashion Oats and added the remaining marinade from the Mushrooms. I added some Red Beans with a good portion of the Bean Liquor for more moisture.  Then I added some rice being kept in the frig, and then some fresh ground Flax Seed ( to replace a egg for binding) and in that fresh grinding addition, there was a good pinch of Hibiscus Tea (dried leaves) and a good pinch of Gun Powder Green Tea.  Before I departed the Cabinet with this container of fresh ground items, I also added a healthy shake of Powdered Turmeric and a equal shake of Black Pepper ( I always add equal Black Pepper to any Powdered Turmeric I consume : reason later…another Blog, another day!)

I also added some Baking Powder so the Patties would puff up a bit while cooking.

I want the pan hot to start the cooking, I USE NO OIL !! Not any!  NOT the Spray, Not OLIVE NOT COCONUT NONE…. nada. no way, ever never ever.

OK? …. Ok.

So I want the pan hot, and I want the item to ‘brown’ before I ever turn it over.

USUALLY, it gets a bit too ‘done’ and I get to eat the first batch what Betty calls ‘burnt’.

Since THIS COOK enjoys his creations, I enjoy even what some call burnt.

Those you see on the Wrap picture are called ‘burnt’…. these I am about to insert,  you will see are more attractive since they were the last of three batches and the heat was less extreme, and I was already eating the wrap, and was not quite as ‘aggressive’ shall we say.

(By the way, when you cook NO OIL, clean up is generally a ‘snap’.  No grease on the pan, utensils, stove top, your mouth, your arteries, your … everything… that makes it easy for clean up and By Passes !!WAIT!! there won’t be any BY PASSES from greasy foods! IF you don’t eat greasy foods.  Wow! Huh!?)

Any way, there you go, this blog IS A WRAP!

And, it was delicious !

and as always it was so much fun to eat till I was FULL and Satisfied from the sheer volume of stuff good for you…. when you can >>>>



(oh, and for desert, I had half of a Banana I found near Bettys place on the cabinet…. I wonder if it was hers…. oh yeah, and half of a Gala Apple.  I know that was hers…. 😉 )

Weird Places I Get Ideas for WFPB Food, (for me)

“… let me sing you the song of my people? NAW! Let me prepare you some of their food…” said Rayray the Barbarian…..

In other words, some of what I create may not be pretty when it comes time to eat.

But then, some of my sentences are going to end in prepositions fairly often too, and I might not catch it on a ‘proof read’.

But please remember, I went to High School with an attitude I was there for some other reason than gittin’ educated.  I lived in a small town in the High Plains of Texas where Cotton Farming was almost a Religion.  It was a typical place where High School Football was a Religion.

I, not being a big fellow, was fortunate enough to be one player available in a small number of possibilities, so I had a starting position for two years on Varsity. Yep, the only guy in the history of Frenship High School Football who wore glasses during practice and the games. (The frames were bendable and approved for wearing while playing full contact sports, and the lens were safety lens that would scratch every time you wiped them, so it was almost impossible to see through them before long).

At this time you are wondering what in the world this has to do with Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) any thing…

Ok, mainly I just wanted to post that picture of #79.  My nickname was ‘Big Earl’.  Awesome huh!?

(Also in those days Coach Tom Landry had a Star Defensive End named Harvey Martin and his number was also 79.  I followed that team in those days.  As of November 2017 it has been over 20 years since I have watched a ‘Professional’ Football game.  But THAT is another Blog, another day, and I know that would be another Domain Name to buy, and be very UN-PC).

During the early 70s our Athletic Department paid for each player to be tested and analyzed through some phycho test so the Coach and player knew strengths and areas of needed improvement.  In those days those were called weaknesses.

The thing that Coach told me was I was a bit sloppy getting there, but when I got there, the job generally ‘got done right’.

(How they figured that out from 120 multiple-choice answers marked with a #2 lead pencil I will never understand)

I was confused and I guess the Coach knew that, so he explained it was kinda like when we ran the ’88 Special’.  That is the play where I would pull and go out the line of scrimmage for about   ten steps, turn left or upfield, and look for the first player on the other team coming into my target zone, and continue until the ‘destroy’ was employed.

Ok, I would block the guy trying to tackle my running back.

Coach said the test showed my getting there was not real pretty, but I did the job when I got there.  (Yep, they paid good tax payer money for those kind of things.  I wonder why they never gave me a test because of …..?  Well, surely they did… right?)

Aw the glory of Friday Night Heroes.

Those were the days.

Because of those are the days I still walk with ‘battle scars’ in the right knee.

So of my ‘play execution’ in the kitchen… It often does not look good getting there, but it is usually done well when the end product comes along.

Ok, the truth is sometimes it is just down right ugly.

Those are the days I would throw it to the chickens and hope Betty doesn’t see it before I can get rid of the evidence.

Chickens LOVE WFPB!

Ok,  Chickens will eat any thing, but they never complained about getting rid of my ‘evidence’…

Since I no longer have chickens, (I do not eat eggs any longer, nor use them in cooking/baking) I have the Compost Bin where I grow Mango Trees and various other sprouting wonders, as well as hide stuff when necessary.

Yep, some of my creations just turn out awful.

I try to consume every thing I make, while  a lot of what I consume is passionately denounced by Betty.  It can still taste good to me…. after all, it is my creation)

So far I have not had to call an ambulance or anything like that.

But I love being in the kichen

Sometimes I will be half asleep and my mind is running through happy things, or hungry things and I will have an idea about fixing something and when I get home from driving, or get out of the bed I head the kitchen.

My best work is usually done early in the morning.

It is always exciting and a good number of the times, it ain’t bad.  Once in a while, it is real good.

Often Betty will hope I wrote down how much of this I used, and how many of those….

Well I tried that once.

It just got in the way of ‘The Creative Genius’.

Obviously I didn’t take a lot of pictures of the bad stuff.  But I do have a lot of what I thought was pretty, and good tasting.

Lets see how this works….

At no time before my Heart Attack and Surgery, nor any time after, did I ever… COUNT a CALORIE, MEASURE PROTEIN, NOR DID I EVER FEAR A CARB.


and…. two years post Triple By Pass and I take no medicine… except my food.

Pretty food. or not.

Pretty ain’t it?

(See?  There is that preposition ending a sentence.!  I told ja’!)


Where do I get my ideas for what to eat WFPB?

What is Whole Food ?

An Orange or an Apple is Whole Food.

Neither Orange Juice nor Apple Juice is Whole Food.  There both are processed.

A Baked Potato is Whole Food.

Fried Potatoes are not Whole Food.

Beans are a Whole Food.  Sure, you need to cook them.  And no, you do not have to add a pound of dead pig carcass, nor a pound of salt to make it taste better.

Remember, there are things with the Standard American Death Diet (SADD), that have not been good for your Health.  That is why I try to avoid doing the same old thing and getting the same results.

Spices with out salt or sugar added …. or strange chemicals, are good.  Just KEEP ADDING THEM till ‘it’ tastes good.

But I want to share two places I get my ideas (other than my unusual, creative, imagination)…

FIRST in my experience was …..


Watch the movie !  Watch it again.

Follow them on Facebook.  Sign up for Newsletters.

As far as actually putting what I had learned into practice, this was the place.

And no, I didn’t always follow the instructions word for word.

(Those who know me well, understand that aspect of my life.  Plus I had no idea what Tahini was, nor where to buy it either…)

And I also stumbled across a site on Facebook that has become my go to place for recipes.


Again, follow him on Facebook, go to his Blog, his website and enjoy his recipes.

They are simple and I enjoy them, and I am sure you will too.

And do not be afraid brandnewvegan will try to ‘milk you’ you into pledging to run naked through the Dairy Section of the local Grocery carrying signs testifying to the insane levels of PUS allowed in Bovine Lactation Juice Secretions …

{ I wonder if you pour milk down the sink IF it will eventually clog the plumbing like grease? … oh sorry!  My mind just wandered off for a moment there.  I better moooove back to the subject in hand before I udderly spill the milk bucket….}

OK… get started there.

One word of advice, be careful of the FLOOD of voices, personalities, fads, and gimmicks.

I soon found I was getting to feel like I was at a pissing match of a bunch of good ol boys seeing who could spit watermelon seeds the farthest. ( yeah, you know I cleaned that up a little…. right?)

Keep it simple.

Are you in a hurry?  Eat a baked potato.  Eat two… ok eat three.  There is a big meal.


One day I had a half of a head of Purple Cabbage for lunch.  Were my jaws sore!

Oh yea!  It was raw and delicious!

The Whole Carrots?  Oh yeah!  I can graze on those for a long time.  Especially when I am driving on a long trip…. like, all the way to Fort Worth.

On Saturday evening when Betty and I are going into Fort Worth for some Boot Scootin’ and Belt Buckle Buffing…. I always take four Apples for eating in travel.

(Someday, I will tell you why I am eating the old Fashion Washington Delicious type these days…. but, that is another Blog, for another day….)

Please remember….


and as always, I AM FREE FROM …. Counting, Measuring, Fearing.

No Calories Counted, No Protein Measured, NO CARBS FEARED!


(I am not trusting this Windows Ten thingy though…. not trusting….)

I have to stop Blogging now.  The Chief Editor, Elton LT is using the Lap Top at the moment.

I have a friend who reversed his Diabetes, really.

Yep, notice the entire title…

” … to Prevent and REVERSE Diabetes…”.

Once again, I trust, enjoy, and follow Dr Joel Fuhrman.  If you have or know someone who has Diabetes, get this book, read, then follow what it says.

And yes, I have this book in audio format and have listened to it several times.

And yes, I have a dear friend who has reversed his Diabetes with diet.  And no, it has not reoccurred in a couple of years since he reversed it with his food.

And as I have mentioned with all my heroes,  Dr Joel Fuhrman has a great offering of information on youtube, his blog, newsletter … …

And as I mentioned he will call his program Nutritarian.

I do not have a problem with that, nor any of his programs.

But Dr, Fuhrman is on my short list, and I recommend him and his work, 100%

No Calories Counted, No Protein Measured, NO CARBS FEARED!



Be the Mango!

I love Mangos.

This picture was taken inside our Compost Bin this summer (2017).

The Bin is one on legs so you can turn the thing and mix all the goodies and make great compost.

I prefer just piling the stuff on the ground and let it do its thing, but that is another Blog, another day… …

I can be accused of being a bit ‘OCD’ when it comes to things I put into the Compost Bin, and that too, is another Blog, another day.

I did place this Mango Seed into the Bin, and came back days later to find this determined sprout testifying to the world it would not accept the position it was given.

The seed decided to MANGO, and not rot away.


I now have this Mangoing Tree in a pot, that needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.

With the winters we might have in this Zone, I am sure I will never get a Mango Fruit off this determined lesson of life, but I plan to do what I can to celebrate a full summer of mangoing in 2018.

My Compost Bin could possible have a Blog Site all of its own.  Even with all the strange stuff I would put in for recycle.

I need more time.

Folks, there is so much I want to do.  That is why I am planning that 110th Birthday Party now.

I have been given a chance to get out of the Compost Bin, and do something I would rather do, and I plan to do it for a long time, and do it ….’well’.

I plan to be, and as a mater of fact, am at this moment mangoing for quite a while.

Be the MANGO!

And as always while you are being the MANGO…

Count No Calories, Measure No Protein, FEAR NO CARBS!


(PS. I can say of the Compost Pile, ‘I HAVE BIN THERE’ !!!  Ha ha ha!  LOL!! )

[ did ‘ja git it??!!]



Dr John McDougall was my first Introduction to a New way of eating, My first hero!

On the famous Camping Trip back in May 2015 my son and I ran from Tornadoes, our friend Taylor was with us while the tent had water standing in the floor, and I was made aware of a youtube person by the name John McDougall.

My youngest son was unloading his camping supplies while I unloaded mine.

You know, the Tent, Hatchet, Sleeping Bags, Fishing Equipment… as well as a lot of typical food good ol boys take camping…. and then there was Mr. J and his car full of food for camping.

I was astonished to see a lot of beans and rice… and more fruit than I could imagine.  There was most likely potatoes.

I mean… he was following John McDougall after all.

My son explained he had been researching the best and most nutritious foods for the least amount of money.  He was about to start his last year in College.

So he enjoyed the rice, beans, and potatoes and he enjoyed the videos of Dr. McDougall.

I was at least 240 pounds and I am only 5’8″.  Obese a little?

So I decided I would give this Starch Diet a go and see what happened.

So let us fast forward to Ocotber 1, 2015.

I gave up sodas after the trip in May, I started eating a lot of rice, bean, potatoes, and lots, and lots of salads as well as fruit.

By11:45pm the evening of 10/1/2015 I had lost close to 30 pounds…. and then came that pain in my back and chest that awoke me from a deep sleep.

I felt like I had eaten something that had gone bad.

I thought it would pass, and I have never been one to take medications, and I hate to ‘throw up’, so I was just going to endure the pain and surely be better in the morning.

I wasn’t.

Like a hardhead, I went to work…hauled battery cores all morning (that is how tough guys are… you know?) Made a delivery in the afternoon and all the while that pain and discomfort was getting worse… and when Betty arrived home at 4:30 ish, we went to the 24 Hour Care Center where they said I was most likely having a Heart Attack, which later was ‘confirmed’ at the Big Hospital ER.

The next morning they tried and failed to place Stents, and performed the Triple By Pass Monday afternoon October 5, 2015.

I went back home October 9th.  Which, is our Wedding Anniversary.

For the next few weeks I had a lot of time to listen to a lot of videos of Dr John McDougall.

Wow.  I really became interested in what he had to say about diet, as well as his life, and the relationship the establishment and he … endured.

I like John McDougall.  Especially when he said he grew up fighting in the streets of Detroit, and still ‘fights’ in the world and the establishment of what I call the Medical Mafia.

I have posted the video below as it is one I have watched maybe a dozen times.

At 55:54 you will see that part that hit home HARD as I was taking Lipitor.  That is the drug the Doctor doubled a few months after my Surgery, and told me I would NEVER GET OFF.

I love Dr McDougall.

I think you will too.

He has written several books too. And the videos… there are so many.

Check out his life story, and how he survived a stroke in his younger days!

No Calories Counted, No Protein Measured, NO CARBS FEARED!
