Weird Places I Get Ideas for WFPB Food, (for me)

“… let me sing you the song of my people? NAW! Let me prepare you some of their food…” said Rayray the Barbarian…..

In other words, some of what I create may not be pretty when it comes time to eat.

But then, some of my sentences are going to end in prepositions fairly often too, and I might not catch it on a ‘proof read’.

But please remember, I went to High School with an attitude I was there for some other reason than gittin’ educated.  I lived in a small town in the High Plains of Texas where Cotton Farming was almost a Religion.  It was a typical place where High School Football was a Religion.

I, not being a big fellow, was fortunate enough to be one player available in a small number of possibilities, so I had a starting position for two years on Varsity. Yep, the only guy in the history of Frenship High School Football who wore glasses during practice and the games. (The frames were bendable and approved for wearing while playing full contact sports, and the lens were safety lens that would scratch every time you wiped them, so it was almost impossible to see through them before long).

At this time you are wondering what in the world this has to do with Whole Food Plant Based (WFPB) any thing…

Ok, mainly I just wanted to post that picture of #79.  My nickname was ‘Big Earl’.  Awesome huh!?

(Also in those days Coach Tom Landry had a Star Defensive End named Harvey Martin and his number was also 79.  I followed that team in those days.  As of November 2017 it has been over 20 years since I have watched a ‘Professional’ Football game.  But THAT is another Blog, another day, and I know that would be another Domain Name to buy, and be very UN-PC).

During the early 70s our Athletic Department paid for each player to be tested and analyzed through some phycho test so the Coach and player knew strengths and areas of needed improvement.  In those days those were called weaknesses.

The thing that Coach told me was I was a bit sloppy getting there, but when I got there, the job generally ‘got done right’.

(How they figured that out from 120 multiple-choice answers marked with a #2 lead pencil I will never understand)

I was confused and I guess the Coach knew that, so he explained it was kinda like when we ran the ’88 Special’.  That is the play where I would pull and go out the line of scrimmage for about   ten steps, turn left or upfield, and look for the first player on the other team coming into my target zone, and continue until the ‘destroy’ was employed.

Ok, I would block the guy trying to tackle my running back.

Coach said the test showed my getting there was not real pretty, but I did the job when I got there.  (Yep, they paid good tax payer money for those kind of things.  I wonder why they never gave me a test because of …..?  Well, surely they did… right?)

Aw the glory of Friday Night Heroes.

Those were the days.

Because of those are the days I still walk with ‘battle scars’ in the right knee.

So of my ‘play execution’ in the kitchen… It often does not look good getting there, but it is usually done well when the end product comes along.

Ok, the truth is sometimes it is just down right ugly.

Those are the days I would throw it to the chickens and hope Betty doesn’t see it before I can get rid of the evidence.

Chickens LOVE WFPB!

Ok,  Chickens will eat any thing, but they never complained about getting rid of my ‘evidence’…

Since I no longer have chickens, (I do not eat eggs any longer, nor use them in cooking/baking) I have the Compost Bin where I grow Mango Trees and various other sprouting wonders, as well as hide stuff when necessary.

Yep, some of my creations just turn out awful.

I try to consume every thing I make, while  a lot of what I consume is passionately denounced by Betty.  It can still taste good to me…. after all, it is my creation)

So far I have not had to call an ambulance or anything like that.

But I love being in the kichen

Sometimes I will be half asleep and my mind is running through happy things, or hungry things and I will have an idea about fixing something and when I get home from driving, or get out of the bed I head the kitchen.

My best work is usually done early in the morning.

It is always exciting and a good number of the times, it ain’t bad.  Once in a while, it is real good.

Often Betty will hope I wrote down how much of this I used, and how many of those….

Well I tried that once.

It just got in the way of ‘The Creative Genius’.

Obviously I didn’t take a lot of pictures of the bad stuff.  But I do have a lot of what I thought was pretty, and good tasting.

Lets see how this works….

At no time before my Heart Attack and Surgery, nor any time after, did I ever… COUNT a CALORIE, MEASURE PROTEIN, NOR DID I EVER FEAR A CARB.

and…. two years post Triple By Pass and I take no medicine… except my food.

Pretty food. or not.

Pretty ain’t it?

(See?  There is that preposition ending a sentence.!  I told ja’!)


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