A GOOD WRAP for Breakfast This Morning

These wraps are really good when the Collard Greens are so tasty, the stalk is like CANDY!

They are not always that quality, but these were.

I enjoy the sweet and …. dang, what do I say? ‘Salty?’ contrast in a bite of food.

(Since I have not added salt to anything I have eaten in over two years I hesitate to call a flavor salty since it might confuse a new follower of my stuff…. so for any newbies, I add NO SALT to anything, ever, nada, zilch, no way never,  not even that pink stuff …)

I enjoy the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ taste combination…. Sweet and Salty.

Ok, then I Hot Air Cooked some Potatoes and Mushrooms.  The potatoes were just cut and cooked on the Hot Air Cooker Programmed timer for roasted potatoes, and shaken at 4 minutes remaining.  This is where I threw in the mushroom slices which had been marinating in Low Sodium Soy Sauce, Garlic Powder, Turmeric, Onion Powder for 5 days?.

I nearly missed getting these into the mix for the Patties seen in the Wrap Picture because my Girl Betty was scarfing these from the Hot Air Pan while yelling, “… the ‘presentation’ is NOT PRETTY, DON’T POST THAT UGLY PIC!”

( I guess SHE WAS CORRECT AGAIN! damn, as usual… BUT SHE DID EAT THE ‘ugly’ MUSHROOMs!) smh… …

(Note to self… if Betty likes the Mushroom fixed this way, get more.  She asked why I eat them and what are the nutritional value, and all I could remember they are really good for you… NutritionFacts.org had a video on that one time[blog this subject in future])

(( Note to readers… if MY Miss Betty likes something I make… it is rare.  I mean to say, IF SHE LIKES it, that is rare, so I have to remember those items and make notes.  I find a lot of my stuff good! and sometimes great, but I admit my ‘tastes’ are often questionable to the average human.  If Betty likes it, then I have done a rare thing that her taste would enjoy and request repeat performances.  A good number of my things I create in the kitchen get a ‘look’, and that is all.))

Ok, the patties you see in the Wrap Pic ….

I wanted something heavy like a pancake, or cornbread cake this morning.

So I started with a good handful of Old Fashion Oats and added the remaining marinade from the Mushrooms. I added some Red Beans with a good portion of the Bean Liquor for more moisture.  Then I added some rice being kept in the frig, and then some fresh ground Flax Seed ( to replace a egg for binding) and in that fresh grinding addition, there was a good pinch of Hibiscus Tea (dried leaves) and a good pinch of Gun Powder Green Tea.  Before I departed the Cabinet with this container of fresh ground items, I also added a healthy shake of Powdered Turmeric and a equal shake of Black Pepper ( I always add equal Black Pepper to any Powdered Turmeric I consume : reason later…another Blog, another day!)

I also added some Baking Powder so the Patties would puff up a bit while cooking.

I want the pan hot to start the cooking, I USE NO OIL !! Not any!  NOT the Spray, Not OLIVE NOT COCONUT NONE…. nada. no way, ever never ever.

OK? …. Ok.

So I want the pan hot, and I want the item to ‘brown’ before I ever turn it over.

USUALLY, it gets a bit too ‘done’ and I get to eat the first batch what Betty calls ‘burnt’.

Since THIS COOK enjoys his creations, I enjoy even what some call burnt.

Those you see on the Wrap picture are called ‘burnt’…. these I am about to insert,  you will see are more attractive since they were the last of three batches and the heat was less extreme, and I was already eating the wrap, and was not quite as ‘aggressive’ shall we say.

(By the way, when you cook NO OIL, clean up is generally a ‘snap’.  No grease on the pan, utensils, stove top, your mouth, your arteries, your … everything… that makes it easy for clean up and By Passes !!WAIT!! there won’t be any BY PASSES from greasy foods! IF you don’t eat greasy foods.  Wow! Huh!?)

Any way, there you go, this blog IS A WRAP!

And, it was delicious !

and as always it was so much fun to eat till I was FULL and Satisfied from the sheer volume of stuff good for you…. when you can >>>>



(oh, and for desert, I had half of a Banana I found near Bettys place on the cabinet…. I wonder if it was hers…. oh yeah, and half of a Gala Apple.  I know that was hers…. 😉 )

One thought on “A GOOD WRAP for Breakfast This Morning

  1. Dearest old man who is now skin and bones…The mushrooms were good in my way of thinking…and Lord above knows we do not think alike…

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