This is how ‘frustrated’ looks and feels…..

After almost two days of trying to change a picture on the original set up of the blog page, this is an example of how I felt.

I am reminded of the evening my youngest son and I were attempting to drain the water heater, you know, to perform that maintenance that ensures the longevity of the unit. For the life of me, or of the water heater, I could not get the water to come out of the heating unit. I even went down hill to the end of the water hose and sucked a hicky on my mouth and lips….. Nothing.

Cussing kicking and bitching I was shutting that show down all upset, when Josh came back from a 5 minute absence and yelled ‘wait Dad!’ As he put the hose back on the heater unit, flipped a thing on the top of the heater and water began to rush to the curb….flushing the heater.

All shocked, flushed, and butt faced…. I inquired where he discovered that little trick of releasing the valve. With a little grin he replied….’youtube’.

This little kid schooled me on YouTube and how to google that night, and I have been a follower ever since.

Well, after I get all grumpy, pissed, and make a show of myself….

So it was with this picture change event I have messed with these last two days.

“…. Get a blog Ray, it will be fun…” they said ….”

Remember, No Calories were Counted, No Protein was Measured, NO CARBS WERE FEARED … In the changing of that picture …. but I may have broke a toe kicking stuff trying to figure this dang puzzle of a web site admin stuff….



(old dog might not WANT to learn new tricks) {smh}

Actually,this is an example of WHY every bite I take, and put into my body is so important.

Stress causes the free radicals to get crazy … and they bounce around causing damage which is bad for good health. When you eat Whole Food (plants, veggies, fruits, whole grains) they bring to the body antioxidants that ‘put out’ or stop the free radical bad guys.

However, if you are not eating real food, there are no antioxidants available.

Processed material (foods?) offers no antioxidants…and little to no nutritional value.

You can’t just spray some chemical mixture on stuff and call it, ‘enriched’ or ‘vitamin fortified’ and expect your body to just accept it as what the manufacturing company told you to believe it is….

(Dang, I can’t believe I just ended this post with a preposition….)

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