I stopped drinking MILK in 2008 …

Or there about…

Betty came home one day, telling me she had received an email with the story, or a video, about how much pus was in the milk we drink.



After that, I never put a glass of that PUS JUICE to my lips.

She taunted me and insisted I watch the video.

I said NO!   All I had to do was think about it and my stomach was, and still is, repulsed.

I remember reading an article that showed the good ol’ US of A allowed the most pus in the milk, next to Brasil…

Folks, I took it so severely, I even STOPPED DRINKING CHOCOLATE MILK.

Blood and Pus with cookies? NO THANKS!

To be fair, the blood and pus allowed in the American Latative Growth Hormone Filled Utter Secretions is not the most evil thing in calf growth hormone, casein (cows milk protein) is the real problem with milk.  (See T.Collin Campbell – THE CHINA STUDY for tons of evidence of why consuming  any milk product is TOXIC !!)   [Unless you are a NEWBORN calf … needing to ingest that GROWTH HORMONE FILLED SECRETION]

There are hundreds of videos on line where you can actually see the actual dairy process, from either side of the issue.  You can see the Contented Cows depicted by the Dairy Industry, and the horrid evidence of the cruelty, and filth that does occur.

One side is full of propaganda, and the other side will embarrass you for believing you are a compassionate, reasonable human.

I will disclose a truth about my transition from Bovine lactation secretions…

Yes I could not stand the thought of drinking that ‘utter juice’, YET I did continue to consume copious amounts of Blue Bell Ice Cream.

Yeah, I know…. hypocritical, huh?  You are correct.

But Ice Cream left a thick sugar filled coating in my mouth, throat, and all my Cardiovascular System, and not on my lips…. somehow, THAT was acceptable.

What stopped the consumption of Ice Cream?

I do not even miss Ice Cream one little bit.  (I will be paying monthly payments on this Triple By Pass until late 2025.  It is a miracle that the ‘business’ I am making payment to each month, has given me that ability to make payments.)

[ However, when I told them I had since retired, and the payment was now more than 10% of my monthly income {more than a ‘Biblical Tithe’} and could I adjust the monthly payment, ‘they’ said NO!  If I made any less of a payment they would turn me over to a Collection Agency, and I should be ‘glad’ they allowed payments for more than three months after the bill was presented…]


Not only do I chose to stop using any dairy product  for my HEALTH, I have seen some of the videos showing the evil side of the government subsidized industry and feeling the horror and cruelty which we as humans do not want to admit to being participants.


In the future, when we are able to understand the language of other creatures, we are not going to like what they have to say about the treatment humans have issued to them, and justified by bullshit like, “…but I have to have my MEAT or Calcium…” BULLSHIT.

For now, all we can do is try to understand their screams, and the look of TERROR in their eyes.


Did you know, that those who consume the most baby calf growth hormone have the weakest bones in old age?

Drinking milk also contributes to loss of calcium, and the onset of Osteoporosis.

Yep, all of that propaganda from the Milk Industry is BULL SHIT.

You have been ‘led like cows to the slaughter’.

Oh, and speaking of Bull Shit… there is plenty of barn yard SHIT in the Dairy and all animal products.

Shit on CHICKEN is the reason I do not even want a package of any poultry in my shopping basket, NOT TO MENTION MY HOUSE!

SMH and pass the Sanitizing Stuff.

“…In the United States, approximately 9 billion chickens are killed for their flesh each year, and 305 million hens are used for their eggs. The vast majority of these animals spend their lives in total confinement—from the moment they hatch until the day they are killed…”

Can you imagine how infested with fecal contaminants any Fast Food Chicken Establishment would show?

Not to mention all the Dairy facilities ….

Ok I should bring this to a close before I am accused of ” milking this” for all I can…

As always, I utterly will not count calories, nor measure protein, nor fear Carbs.


Below is a link to several articles/videos from Nutritionfacts.org concerning Dairy




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