…the days when my answer to everything was ‘But Bacon’

“But Bacon!”

Wasn’t that at least 50% of the entire reason you went camping, so you could build a fire, and cook bacon, and dead chickens, rotting cow and pig parts over flame?  At least burn a crispy edge on SPAM slices…

Was this not THE THING that established proof that I was REALLY a man among men.

I thought it was necessary revitalize my inner Caveman.  HUNT, KILL, then burn it over fire, and eat off a stick if necessary… YES! A Stick!  REALLY!  A STICK MADE OF WOOD!

Now THAT is what makes a real man!


I thought so.

(Betty will just stare right through me when I talk like that… as if I am not even ‘there’, and that kind of talk automatically disconnects my proclamations of what makes a real man, from her ability to hear and comprehend the words I speak.)

By the way, have you seen the current research concerning the burning of food?  Heat causes changes to the food, and perhaps the changes to dead animal parts over the flames are the most alarming.

My Mom cooked all meat items very well done since that was reported to have been my Dads preference.  (Dad died at the age of 53 with colon cancer).

Anyway, here is my motivation for this blog being constructed at 2:20 am December 26, 2017…

I am following the horror stories of a ‘Vegan’ whose dear family member is eating themselves into a Chronic Disease Disaster… and violently defends her ‘right’ to do so.

The replies from dozens of other folks are just as sad, or even worse.

People do not just change their habits, beliefs, comforts, sticks of butter, milk, bacon, and thick slices of bologna, simply because some crazy family member ‘sees’ the light and turns Vegan, Vegetarian, Whole Food Plant Based …. yada yada yada….

I do know that, but sometimes forget to remember that.

Yesterday Betty told her Grandson there was a dessert “…I COULD NOT HAVE…”.

My self righteous indignation flared up and I declared “… NOT SO!  I CAN HAVE ANYTHING I WANT!  I CHOSE to not have that dessert because I Chose Not to have it!”

(There is a big difference between ‘I can’t’, and ‘I choose to not to do’.  One way says I must obey, submit, take orders and comply to a higher authority… and the other says I am a Free, Self Determined Man, Choosing to Live IN Liberty, making my own decisions concerning what I CAN, and what I CAN’T)

Isn’t that about the same as the way people react when you tell them those fried bologna sandwiches are cancer causing… milk / dairy products are Liquid Heart Attacks, that eating dead animal parts is toxic, and that none of the animals are delighted  to be killed so we can, ‘But Bacon!’

Last Grocery Day we passed the Sea Food Section, as we do every week.  The guy filling the ‘Fresh? Sea Food Counter has on a face mask, long gloves, apron covering from head to feet, and you know his nasal passages are getting coated with the molecules of the slime and stink from the dead sea creatures.  AND you know they also have a real amount of Sea Creature Shit covering them too.

And since I can smell that floating death as I pass by, I am breathing that literal ‘shit’ into my lungs too.


But there are enough folks willing to come in there, pay those prices, carry home those dead creatures, contaminate their cabinets, knives, tables and plates, just so they can eat that dead stuff.

And you can’t tell them the facts, and expect to change them.

I know that because I have been one of them.

Nothing will change them and what they think, until they are ready to hear, and change…. which may be NEVER.

Even in the face of death, they may not change, nor ever want to hear.

I do not think I am here to make them hear.

But I am here to live the life I choose, and let my actions be an example…. at least be an option for others to see, and consider.

It is a BIG DEAL to me….

But it does not have to be anything to anyone else.

Ok, I have vented…

but I will never count calories, measure protein, nor shall I fear Carbs!

(REMEMBER!? I am a ‘tough guy’…. a ‘real man’!)

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