My ‘OCD’ really shows since I went WFPB

It just occurred to me, I need to post a glossary of acronyms  WFPB, WOE, SOS …

ac·ro·nym noun plural noun: acronyms

an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word (e.g., ASCIINASA ). )
Anyway, that will be another Blog, another day… …
I cannot throw stuff away, especially food, or by products like the water that remains in the IP ( Instant Pot ) after I steam carrots for Elton LT (Chief Editor in Charge of Blog Publications )
I see the orange color of the water at the bottom of the pot and think I NEED THAT, the kitchen sink does NOT!
I have taken the left over ‘liquor’, and placed it in a container, and used it to soak rice or beans before cooking, and also have used it in place of artery clogging oil to saute veggies.
(YES! you can do that, and it works wonderful!)
But I am lazy.  I am also usually very hungry as meal time approaches, and am interested in getting to the ‘eattin’ ASAP !
So I am attempting to steam my veggies with just the right amount of water added to the IP, so that the steaming can perform that service effectively, cook the vegetables just right and NOT steam away any nutrients at all.
But any color in the remaining water, and I am wasting Nutrients.
So, I have just started pouring that water into my bowl of steamed veggies and steamed beans and rice.
(This is ready for a quick steam!)
( As soon as the IP goes under pressure, I have it set to turn off the heating unit, and begin to cool.  BUT for my veggies I am about to eat, I ‘trip’ the release, and let the steam and pressure out)
Them I take the food out and place in my favorite green bowl and pour the remaining water on top, then add all my spices, powders, and fresh ground items like Flax Seed and Hibiscus Tea.
Typically for an evening meal that includes Turmeric Powder, Black Pepper, Cumin Powder, Garlic Powder, Ginger Powder, Fresh GROUND Flax Seed, Hibiscus Tea, Gunpowder Green Tea … and Cayenne Peppers(home grown)…
Ok, as that all mixes together, there is now a soup making in the bowl.
ALL THIS I do to ingest these vegetables, beans, grains, seeds, spices to insure NUTRITION provided for the body.
I want to eat as much as possible, of that stored SUNLIGHT stored in the plants, so that the POWER of the SUN and all the COLORS of the Rainbow are offered to my body for normal functioning, cleaning out crap, and healing of damage I have done during the first 60 years of the SAD (Standard American Diet).
Yes, I am eating the SUN and the Rainbow.  Literally.
It has something to do with Thermal Dynamics, Quantum Physics, and Warp Drives …. or something like that….
Folks, you are never going to get this on your plate, and in your body eating toxic processed crap with chemicals sprayed on it while called ‘fortified’ and ‘enriched’.  THAT STUFF is neither food, nor nutritious.
Yep, I went ‘there’ via starting this blog posting about my OCD behavior of hoarding, thrift store mentality, or what ever it is called.
Here is the good part…..
That soup at the bottom of the bowl?
It really tastes good.
It has become my current favorite meal.
I am typing this at 6:34 am Saturday Morning and I am craving a bowl of that mixture.
I love WFPB.
I LOVE knowing I am eating the POWER of the SUN! and the colors of the Rainbow!
NEVER counting calories, NEVER Measuring Protein, NEVER FEARING CARBS!
( just don’t call me ‘Sonny’ )

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