WHAT IS wfpb ? How do I start ?

I could say, “… just decide to NOT KILL YOURSELF with your Fork, or a Fast Food/Drive Up Window Diet, or a Standard American Death Diet (SADD), or a ‘pleasant’ DEAD ANIMAL MUSCLE TOXIC DIET’.

But, I won’t stoop so low as to be ‘hateful’, and ‘mean’ like that ….

Betty always tells me I will …”… catch more flies with sugar than salt …”.

So…. I will try … to be ‘sweet’…

WFPB is not scary.

WFPB is not difficult, nor complex.

WFPB…. to some, is how God created ‘mankind’ to…. ‘live’ …. since Adam and Eve kinda hung out with all the other ‘creatures’ in the garden of Eden…. and the Animals lived with each other as well as Adam and Eve…. you know, just ‘chilling’ and walking with God in the evening…

Everything was just fine, and no one died, or ate each other …..

… for a while.

Then things went off track after the Forbidden Fruit, and ….

well, wars have been fought …. brother against brother …. and all kinds of sad stories have been told ever  since … everything  … fell apart…

(get it? … the ‘FALL’….?)

ok, Sorry…

As simple as I can put it ….

wfpb ( Whole Foods Plant Based) is like a WHOLE APPLE, instead of drinking the processed juice, or taking vitamin A in a pill form.

wfpb is like eating a baked potato.  NOT french fries, not potato chips.  Those are fried in toxic FATS/OILS …

wfpb is eating vegetables and fruits and legumes… beans, peas…..

Anything else is PROCESSED and changes any goodness that was in the item to begin with….

There are many who have done such a better job of explaining this than I.

They have been doing this explaining to many more, and much longer.

One of these people is Terri Edwards.


www.eatplant-based.com is her web site.

On her web site, she has a very simple, yet concise explanation of WHAT IS “wfpb” (Whole Food Plant Based)


Again, it is simple, and easy, and will free you from the chains and shackles of the foolishness of ‘DIETS’.

Following wfpb, you can eat when you are hungry.

Following wfpb, you can eat till you are full.

Following wfpb, you can eat till you are full, anytime after you just ate, till you were full, and now are hungry again … (did that make sense?)

Following wfpb is not starving yourself, or trying to trick the body into a ‘survival mode of operating’ …. (really folks, when the Human Body sees evidence that there is a case of starvation occurring [low or no carbs] It will do some really drastic things to keep Itself from dying … whether you like it or not … {you can’t FOOL Mother Nature})

Following wfpb, you can eat potatoes, and bananas… as often as you want, till you are full, and still get healthy.

(Really, I saw the video that says you MUST AVOID Bananas, because they are BAD, EVIL, FULL OF SUGAR AND CARBS…. omg…. please….. I am evidence you can enjoy Bananas and WHOLE FRUITS and lose … well, I am at over 80 pounds at this writing ….. really)

Following wfpb, you never need to COUNT CALORIES, Never need to MEASURE PROTEIN, and NEVER FEAR wfpb CARBS.

(wfpb CARBS are your best friends.  processed carbs are toxins.  These two things are not like the other.)

Following wfpb, you will get healthy, or else God, Nature, Mother Earth, the LIFE FORCE, or what ever you want to call the Creator of all things, really screwed up in making the human body, and providing the fuel, to run it on.

I know, that most people think they have to follow some painful, starvation diet, focus on one part of the complex, to obtain health…. suffer and all that self punishing stuff …

But it IS as simple as was said a couple of thousand years ago, “Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food.”

( Now we do know that Hippocrates said that in Classical Greek, and never used ‘Thee’, nor ‘Thou’ KJV … just saying ….)

(And we also know Hippocrates was in a running debate with a ‘dead animal carcass eater’ back then.  And we know, that debate continues today).

The bottom line is a Healthy Human Body is going to be at best health with the Natural Foods, and not by Man Made Substitutes that pretend to ‘know better’ than the Creator, and create ‘Short Cuts’, and the ‘Easy, Least Resistant Route’ to ‘health’.

‘Free Ride’ is best sung by Foghat, not practiced by the ‘buffed 6 pack abs’ trainer at the all night fitness chain ….

Your just going to have to realized HEALTH is not obtained by a ‘Miracle Pill’, ‘Easy Way Out’, or ‘chastising the Human Body’, or trying to ‘trick’ ‘IT’ because ‘IT’ is so stupid, that it need to be ‘FOOLED’ into six pack abs, and sexy Bikini and Speedo bodies, tanned like a ‘god’, or ‘goddess’ in The Hollywood Lie.

I am listening to the New and Updated Edition of THE CHINA STUDY by T. Colin Campbell PhD, Thomas M. Campbell II MD.   I have listened to the book more than a dozen times.

If you want to learn the truth about the Standard American Diet, the Powers of Industry and Government, and the Truth about Curing Cancer, Heart Disease, and the other most common reasons people die, read this book.

You will find out a simple truth….

…. that truth is, that you can be a responsible Human Being, and take charge of your HEALTH, by taking charge of your Fork and Spoon.

You can control Heart Disease, Cancer, Diabetes, Dementia, etc.

Or you can ignore what science and life style has show as true.


I have a confession to make.

I get worked up on this subject of Nutrition, Health, Heart Attacks, Full Disclosure, Independence,  Freedom, the American Dream, Self Determination,  Advertisements, LIES, Half Truths …. and Light Houses.

Why I think if I get angry or pushy, or better at DEBATING, etc., I can ‘win’ an argument, and PROVE a point, thus be the ‘WINNER’.  At that point I would expect that everyone who was an opponent, being defeated, would surrender to my wonderful skills as an Orator of TRUTH, JUSTICE, and THE WHOLE FOOD WAY …..

But, I am wrong.

I have been shown the truth of the lighthouse.

One day, I read a quote from a person named Anne Lamott.

She said the following….

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.”

It occurred to me that I had been running around looking for ‘boats’ to save.

It also occurred to me I could do better just ‘shinning’ and not looking for boats that didn’t know, nor care, that they ‘needed’ , anything.

My wife Betty heard a quote many years ago, and she has shared it with me many times ….

“Until the pain, of remaining the same, becomes more painful than the pain of change, there will be no change…”

I can debate, present, pontificate, proclaim and declare, and yes, even get really pushy… and until someone is ready to hear the truth about Health, and Nutrition … they will not hear.

I get upset that I was not told I could avoid the Triple By Pass, its scar on my chest, and the cost I will be paying for another TEN YEARS.

I can get really upset at the lack of FULL DISCLOSURE by the Medical Professions, Industries, Governmental Departments, and TV Advertisements and Fad Diet Gurus … and all it does is waste my time… and show me a fool for wasting my time and breath.

Besides, would I have listened?

Would I have Changed my life style and give up the things I was …. used to …. (addicted to)…?

I have been critical of folks who were told they could ‘change’ the path they were on, and avoid much pain and suffering…. yet they never changed…

Would I have changed that night in the ER when they ‘mean ol’ Lady Doctor’ told me I was having Heart Attacks, and did I come to the Hospital to be funny, or get help….?

Oh believe me, she GAVE NO OPTIONS.

But if she HAD…. would I have chosen a wfpb life, and committed to everyday after that to eat that way, and avoid the option I allowed?

Well, I think we know the answer.

And folks, here we are back at the starting point of this ‘conversation’.

More times than not, Humans chose the Path of Least Resistance.  We seem to want a Magic Pill, a Easy Way Out.

We tend to be Lazy.

Until the HIND SIGHT shows we had a chance, and a Better Path, and it was NOT CHOSEN.


I think I am most angry with myself.  October 2, 2015 I made a choice to undergo a Stent Placement which failed October 3, 2015.

Then I chose to undergo a By Pass Surgery.

I do not recall being told about what results were expected except I might DIE without the surgery.  Scared out of my wits, they could have offered many things, and I would have accepted.

Laying in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit, after a failed Stent Placement, is NOT THE TIME to make decisions about Life Styles, and/or Modern Medical Miracle Procedures.

By that time, you are all but another income source just like a ear tagged ‘livestock’ at the Slaughter House Feed Yard.

Oh… I am angry…. and I find the anger each month is only rekindled by another payment to the Medical Facility to which I signed permission/CONSENT, to hold all I have over my head as a threat, should I fail to make the ‘payment’, They were so gracious to allow me to make over 12 years.

I was also never told, to change anything about the life style that got me to that condition of having a ‘need’ for a Triple By Pass.

In fact, I was told to only ‘be moderate’ in the things that ‘might’ contribute to Heart Disease.  It was probably genetics.  It was in my ‘family’.  Eat two pieces of Bacon, instead of three.

The only thing that I was told TO STOP DOING was Cigarette Smoking.

I had STOPPED SMOKING in the Spring of 2008 …  7 1/2 years before the Heart Attack.

You see, Stents and Miracle Surgeries only treat the symptoms … not the cause of Heart Attack.  And the ‘Professionals’ do not want, nor have the time to tell you what you need to know.

The wonderful American Medical Gods are not fixing the PROBLEMS…. they are getting ‘better’ at keeping us alive longer till our next ‘need’ for more surgeries and medicines and visits back to thier offices.

They are actually keeping us dying longer, and ‘needing medical and pharmaceutical intrusion’ into our pocket books and lives.

Most of ‘merica is dying longer, NOT LIVING LONGER.

… and it is just getting worse …


But if we ate the food that made Healthy Humans ‘Live’ longer till we died, then  we wouldn’t be at their mercy.


So where should I place my anger….


I’m gonna shut this off now.  I intended this to be a ‘plug’ for Terri Edwards and her wonderful web site….

Oh my……



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