The Solution, Really… You can stop looking.

I know a majority of people will continue to suffer, and punish themselves by never believing a simple truth.

The human body is best fueled on starches… found in Whole Foods… not processed ‘stuff’ with sprayed on chemicals and called ‘enriched’, or, ‘fortified’.

In these cases the only thing ‘enriched’, or ‘fortified’, is the pockets of the chemical company selling the unhealthy chemicals sprayed on the processed crap which a gullible public believes is ‘food’.

I am not a part of that gullible public any longer.

It is just too simple for a gullible public who wants to set around the ‘coffee pot’ and brag about how deep they have fallen into the trap of tricking the body into thinking it is starving, or how much they are grateful for the aforementioned chemical company’s production of a pill they can take to ‘cure all’.

But, my frustration diverts me from the main reason for this Blog…..

The Solution.

The Simple Solution.

Yeah, I am still reading The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! by Dr. John McDougall

Why ‘count’, ‘measure’, ‘fear’ anything to do with what you eat?

Try to wrap your mind around a simple truth… every bite you take is Healthy or it is UnHealthy.

That is all.

And you do not have to suffer, feel starved, crave like a smoker after a cigarette, a druggie after a fix, or a Dieter after another bite of Iceberg Lettuce … you get to eat till you are FULL.


You say, “… how often?”.

When you are hungry…. yep… eat till you are full !


And, you do not have to ‘trick’ your body into …. anything.

Your body will be doing a ‘Happy Dance’ and thanking you with at LEAST one gloriously easy bowl movement a day!

(Most ALWAYS two for me, sometime three… but always wonderful!)

Follow the link in the picture below to see a simple presentation of THE SOLUTION! seen in

Dr. McDougall’s Color Picture Book: “Food Poisoning’

It is so simple.

Set yourself free folks, set yourself free.

Never ‘count’ calories, Never ‘measure’ Protein, Never FEAR Carbs.

(Have FUN!  Do ‘Happy Dances’ in the Kitchen and Dinning Room like I was doing yesterday!)

[yeah, that totally homemade pizza was that good]]

({[ Ok, I am without shame posting this meme again, hoping it comes up at the photo when I post on FB]})

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