!? You EAT THAT for Breakfast ?!

Most days, this is what I eat. More Greens More Greens!

Homegrown! These are home grown, and JUST PICKED!!


I grew the Sprouts, and today is the first day they are ready!

Food is my medicine….my medicine is my food.

Y’all have a nice day.


I do not Trust ‘Pills’, Nor the Horse They Rode In On.

This video CHANGED MY LIFE, soon after my Bypass.

I am grateful for Dr. John McDougall.



My Parents were ‘mean’ to me …

My parents were MEAN to me when I was a kid. They made me do chores, & go to school. They gave me a curfew, suggested I get a job and work for the things that I wanted. They insisted that I do my best at school, at my job & to take pride in my work. I grew up with morals, a good work ethic & respect for the law, and my elders. I thank God everyday for my MEAN parents.

This is a post to a site I used to spend a lot of time on…. my Parents did a good job, but then, I made decisions along the way too.

Mom and Dad did what they knew how to do….

I miss them.

Hug your folks next chance you get….

You know I’m ‘joking’, right?

Sending invites to MeWe

So I’m having the first cup of coffee, sending invites to my ‘contacts’ … I’m shocked at how many are now deceased…. Yeah , they are dead. That was a strange feeling. Life is short, surprising, and doesn’t always ‘go’ like I want….Tell someone you love them, appreciate them, and smile at as many as you can … … yeah I’m gonna say it …. smile a ‘naked’ smile. You know what I mean.
((((( I have renewed my web site www.oldmanskinandbones.com. I have more ‘control’ over my stuff. It is going to be the same stuff you have seen here. I have dumped twitter,strava, and am going to dump many other ‘mainstream’ that I feel are getting too ‘sassy’ and ‘cocky’. I’m not comfortable being comfortable in a HERD. I’m tired of politics and meanness. I’ll gather my ‘toys’ and go play ‘over there’. I’ll continue to read my 500 digital books, and those printed on paper. That is where I find news … not newspeak. {Newspeak … have you read the book 1984 by Orwell? }.
Y’all have a nice day.)))))

One of the first jokes I remember

Two fellas from opposing football teams went to the men’s room during a college football game …

Both finished ‘their business’ at the same time, and one went to the sink to wash his hands while other checked the mirror and then headed for the Exit.

The fellow at the sink yelled at the other, “ Hey! They don’t teach y’all to wash your hands at this College?”

The fellow headed out the door replied, “ The College didn’t have to, Momma taught me to not piss on my hands!”

Ok, that was the 2nd joke I remember hearing. ( I’m NOT telling the 1st joke I heard ….. no )

But folks, what amazes me, these days … is that so many guys (these days) do not wash their hands when using Public Restrooms.

Now, be sure, my Momma taught me to ‘not pee on myself’, and also to wash my hands upon using a Public Restroom.

Yet everyday I am hearing the admonition for ‘us’ all to wash our hands, like, it is something ‘new’.

I’m wondering if our world has gotten …. stupider.

… personally, I think our world has gotten and progressively gets stupider.

No joke.


So I search ‘Buck Owens Greatest Hits’ …

… then copy a picture to my phone, and post it to make a joke with one of my friends.

Then while still drinking the same cup of coffee, I open my emails, and there is an advertisement for THAT album.

Just to be honest, the wife and I have had a conversation about something to purchase, and had ads appear in moments on social media.


Have you seen the documentary called ‘The Social Dilemma’

What did you think?

Have you seen the movie, or read the book, ‘1984’ by George Orwell?

What did you think?

“… If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever…”

“… The . The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power…..the object of power is power …”

Y’all have a good day….



Dr. John McDougall is one doctor I have trusted since my Heart Attack/Bypass.

Here he writes an article addressing the issue of DEPRESSION.

Lord knows We all could benefit from some ‘help’ on this subject. AND I know I do not want to go to the dispenser of Drugs to be prescribed antidepressants. (I don’t even ‘do’ Baby Aspirin’ …. YOU DO what you think is best for you!)


Ok, there it is… a message I think is helpful for these days.

Enjoy. You can find a ‘ton’ of FREE information at https://www.drmcdougall.com/about/dr-john-mcdougall/

This is my first ‘post’ after many months. If you have any comments, leave them in the comment section below.



Where I started…


In the summer of 2015 I began to look at youtube videos of Dr. John McDougall. I liked his message because I could really love eating a plate of beans and rice….and potatoes, who could say no to a diet of potatoes?

In this video, Dr McDougall explains quickly about enjoying carbs. He is the reason why I say ‘No Carbs Feared’.

Also please note, suggesting we should eat carbs will not make anyone a butt load of money (rimshot). Just as telling folks to eat Whole Food Plant Based to solve most of Americas Chronic Disease, is not going to make any Medical Mafia nor Pharma Pill Pushers much money either.

Back in the summer of 2015, it was a new beginning for me.

Oh, I figured it would be effective, I could lose some weight… I had done it before.

My history of weight loss began when there was a bet at Handy Food Center ( local Grocery Store).   The one who lost the most weight in a number of weeks would get something, I don’t recall, but I do remember the boss taking us all to Pizza that night to celebrate all the lost weight.

Ok, pause and think about that…… right? (That night I saw my  first Jalapeno Pizza… and as far I was concerned, my last)

I won the contest.  I starved, and ate iceberg lettuce like crazy, and crazy was how I was during the time of the diet challenge.  I was starving and did not like it one bit.

After all, I was working in a Grocery Store and could eat anything I wanted, anytime I wanted.

Oh, and for the last ‘winning’ action, to lose the most weight, I ate a huge amount of laxatives so I could pass all …well, you know…. into the toilet just before the last weigh in to determine the winner.

I won because of a quarter pound of … well… poop.

After that, I ate like a Standard American Death Diet fool.

The next diet I did was many years later called the Hilton Head Diet.

It was much ‘smarter’, in that you ate four times a day, and the food was better for you (although in those days I thought animal protein was necessary, as did the diet creators).

You have to workout twenty minutes after each restricted food intake time, and that work out had to last 20 minutes.

All of this since you were having to re train your metabolism to burn hotter, and there fore use more calories than you were taking in food (or toxic junk food ).

It worked well while I stayed on the program… and that was until I returned to the States for ‘furlough’.  (More on that later)  but without saying more than this, I gained back to appx 220 pounds in less than a year. (That was an appx 40 pound weight gain in about a year)

The next diet program I recall being on was one where I drank a gallon of H2Aqua each day.  This was one cup of NOT FROM CONCENTRATE Orange Juice, mixed with 10 cups of water.

You had to get off all sugar, and every product with sugar added.  Which if you have not noticed, is 99,9% of all processed ‘foods’ in America.

Brand Buds for example.  This cereal my Grandmother used to eat is like eating mouth fulls of tiny roto rooter machines that scrape the coating of your teeth all the way down to the paper you wipe with while sitting at the discharging of the Brand Bud Cereal as well as all the cleansed items from the inside of the digestive system.

Well, obviously the manufacturers had to do something with the stuff to get you to eat it, so they added a ton of processed sugar to the mix, and there you go, an addiction to sugar, while you believe the roto rooter action was making up for the toxic sugar added.

(I digress)

So, again this was a diet with calorie restriction, sugar reduction, and was successful, as long as you stick to the program.

Oh, and let me digress again and address the issue of the H2Aqua intake…

This was so merciful on one hand and a huge curse on the other.

To allow yourself to drink this faint touch of the ‘sugar’ from the OJ, diluted 1 to 10, was great, because when I started getting the shakes from the cutting of multiple candy bars, donuts, etc from the diet, it was great to have a good volume of the 1 to 10 sugar water/OJ available.  So I am thinking, if one gallon was good, two will be better, right?

Sure, why not!

Here in lies the curse.

Even at one gallon a day, I was killing myself trying to plot every trip to have as many public bathrooms available as possible.

Imagine what it was like at two gallons a day.

Oh yeah, did I mention I was an Real Estate Agent at this time?

Do you have any idea how awful this can be when you are showing a home, and there is no holding back any longer, and you have to sneak off to the BR, or run behind a storage house, or your client is not on time for a showing, and you are waiting out front?

But hey!  I lost the weight!  Even though I believe a large part was from the burning of calories just from using the muscles to ‘hold it in’, or from all the running to and from bathrooms.

But I was always hungry, and as well as needing to pee.

I did gain all the weight back from that first go round with the water/no sugar diet, and I did it again a few years later and had the same results.   And I gained all that back plus more than ever, up to 240.

After the last go around with the water/no sugar… I arrived at a state of some depression, and who knows what…

I started a job where I drove long distances each day in a company vehicle.  I told myself, to stay awake and alert at the wheel, I needed to snack on something to stay alert.  So, moving away from diet drinks, I went to ‘real sugar’ drinks… and snacks…usually salty, or chocolate coated, or both.  (Both were better!)

Honestly, these things never helped me stay awake, nor alert.

I could drive and eat junk and drink colas while asleep as good as anyone.  And while I was in that trance, I would generally slow the speed of the vehicle, so, that was better, right?

Never the less, after driving the pick up hours everyday, and eating like an ‘addicted to junk food addict’, I was possibly over 240 pounds when I first heard about Dr John McDougall, and The Potato Diet.

Dr McDougall was just a ‘side show’ to me that Summer of 2015.  I started eating a lot of beans, rice, and salads though.  But I was still eating a large part the Standard American Diet, although I did stop the usage of Sodas.

However, there was the Heart Attack on October 1, 2015.

Stent Placement failed Oct. 2, and then Monday Oct. 5, 2015 the Triple By Pass was performed.

I went home October 9th, and started watching Dr John McDougall you tube videos that afternoon.

I am pretty sure the next day we watched PLANT PURE NATION ( FREE ON You Tube )

Then after that, we watched FORKS OVER KNIVES ( Free on Netflix)

My life was changed from that moment forward.

Whole Food Plant Based defined me from then on.

What I learned in the days after, fueled a PASSION in me to understand how I could have PREVENTED not just the Heart Attack, but also the BY PASS, and all those medications…

…as well as the expense of the Surgery of which will take me about 15 years to pay my part.

Nothing has been the same since those first days after I started watching Dr John McDougall post Surgery.

I would like to think some of my ‘FIRE’ came from his videos.

Soon after I began to look into the men I ‘met’ in those movies I mentioned above.

What I discovered was shocking.

Almost 4 years later, the shock has only intensified.

I will convey more of that story as time goes on through these Blogs.

It just get better.

And the ‘fire’ just gets hotter.


#nomoreheartattacks #mcrc4life #wfpbno #mcrc4life #eatplantsrunmiles#woulduratherkeepyourlegs #110andbeyond

Rays Chocolate Hummus

These Beans taste like Pie Filling.

These are Garbanzo Beans, or Chick Peas.

The basic recipe is one drained can of Garbanzo Bean or a cup and a half of home cooked.

Now add 1/4 cup of Tahini.

Some folks do not want to use Tahini since it is ground Sesame Seed and high in oil.

Your call.

It will be smoother with the Tahini.

One teaspoon of Vanilla.

Half a cup of Cocoa Powder.

I like to add at least a couple of Dates. I just chop them into small pieces and blend them in with everything else.

At this point some recipes call for more sweetener. Maple Syrup, Honey, or Stevia. Always add these to suit your taste.

Now Blend them all together.

You can substitute Peanut Butter for Tahini and make like a Peanut Butter Chocolate tasting mix.

You can add mint for a peppermint flavor.

How about some Cherries for Chocolate Covered Cherries?

Go Crazy!

Remember though …. IT IS BEANS!
