I have friends on Social Media. Yes, I just said that.

I have always been a ‘social’ person.

I love a crowd, a ‘stage’ and a microphone.  AND PLEASE take pictures and forward them TO ME!!

When I was younger we called it ‘being a HAM’.  Now I think the word ‘whore’ fits in the description some how… these days…

But I do have friends from ‘social media’.

I have never seen them except maybe in a video they posted.  I have seen their pictures on FB.

But some of these people are what I describe as “real friends”.

I may not hear from them for months, and some for years…. but I do find out there are still ‘ there’ and keeping connected through what could be described as ‘lurking’…. but, that is better than nothing.

The same could be said for my family including my children.

Relationships are just NOT the same as they were in my younger years.

(Ok, maybe not THAT young….)

I have lost up to 95% hearing in my right ear, so I have great difficulty using a phone.  I rarely ever ‘talk’ on a phone.  I cannot hear a phone to my ear with either ear, so I ‘talk’ via the speaker mode.

Since I feel it is rude to converse on a phone, in the presence of anyone else, or with a TV, or radio playing, again, it is rare I use a phone to ‘talk’.

Sending and receiving ‘text’… NO PROBLEM !

So with all that explaining, I do well on FB, Messaging, and Texting.

But through all this arriving of Internet, Social Media, Smart Phones, etc., my friend list has grown exponentially.

The subject from which that list has grown, is also varied and wide….

Classmates from High School and College, past employments, Gardening, The End of the World As We Know It, Being a ‘Boy Scout(Survivalist)’, Politics, Hatred of Politics, Accepted Government Approved American History, True American History, HEART ATTACKS, BY PASS SURGERIES, RECOVERY PER ACCEPTED MEDICAL PRACTICE, and then, (I repeat) and then, the discovery of Nutrition, The Standard American Death Diet, and then the Truth about all that…..

Actually, I still have my foot in the water on at least a ‘little bit’ of all mentioned in the previous paragraph ….

But for the last three years +/- it has been mainly on the things mentioned at, and after ‘Heart Attack’.

But, there are friends, active and lurking, from each of these groups, and some groups I failed to mention.

None of this could have been achieved without the advances in this super fast tech advances.

I am so glad to be alive today.

I look forward to the next 50 years! (Don’t forget my BDAY Party for the 110th Year!)

I look forward to having more friends too.

Thanks to all of you who were and are willing to put yourselves ‘out there’ where I could find you all, learn from you all, and maybe, just maybe, let you see me, and we could learn, grow, laugh, and cry together!

Sincerely yours,


Counting no calories, measuring no Proteins, fearing not a damned CARB!

HA!! You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!


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