I was shocked to find out the average bypass lasts, on average, 10 years, and then the mortality rate jumps to 60-80%.

This is the “successful” bypass.

It seems the operation using the less-than-perfect material from the same arterial system that caused a heart attack in the first place doesn’t last very long as bypass material.

You see, you are replacing blocked arteries with already compromised VEINS.  I guess it is”‘OK” for veins to be used to replace ARTERIES.

Don’t get me wrong.  I am grateful for my successful surgery, surgeon, and team of folks who worked on my bypass.

After I viewed the calcium scan of my heart three years post operation, I was SHAKEN at the blockage still in and around my heart.

Calcium Heart Scan Three Years After My Triple Bypass

BUT FOLKS, for some reason I did not realize the bypass material would soon “wear out.”  

At the “average” time expected for failure, it seems I am approaching the halfway mark.

Well, that is not comforting.  I have plans.  This “possible” scenario does NOT SIT WELL with my agenda.

This link (Click Here)  tells a very surprising forecast about how long these three veins are “expected” to be viable as replacement ARTERIES on the heart in MY CHEST.

For me, this opens a WHOLE NEW ISSUE of Full Disclosure when a person goes into a hospital with a problem.

Sure, when the doctor told me I had had a number of heart attacks and stents were going to be placed the next morning, I joked and said, “That was not what I came in for, I came in for heartburn.” She looked at me and said, “Did you come in here for HELP? Or did you come into the ER to be funny?”

I shut up and became compliant.  I signed what I was given, and obeyed what I was directed to do… no more questions, nor nervous searches for options.  “THEY” did not have time for that, and I didn’t have the “BALLS” to require it either.

So, even before I pay off the money I still owe the hospital, my bypass surgery (ON AVERAGE), will have served its life expectancy and will need to be replaced, or I might just DIE instead. You know how heart failures can be, right?

I don’t know if I am more angry about the failure of FULL DISCLOSURE on the medical provider’s part, or my lack of responsibility to require Full Disclosure for myself.

Maybe both.

I have hope though.  

Hope that the Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle will provide the best fuel, and best medicine to not only repair the heart disease but also to REVERSE the heart disease that I gave myself for 60 years eating the Standard American Death Diet.  


READ THIS BOOK!! Before you have a heart attack. (Click this link)

This could be the most valuable book you ever read.

Please, be informed and make wise decisions.


#wfpbno #eatplantsbehealthy #eatplantsbehappy #nomoreByPass #nomoreHeartAttacks 

This blog has been ‘proofed’ by The Crafty Proofer

For all your proof reading needs, visit The Crafty Proofer!  You will be glad you did!

Perfect IP Brown Rice, at MY HOUSE !!


I was so intimidated by my Instant Pot, that it sat in the box over a year before I opened it, and put it to use.

Now, it is my friend.

HOWEVER…. I just tolerated my results of preparing rice.  Especially Brown Rice.

I love rice, and can eat it as a meal with nothing added.

But  I have found this recipe/method and the results are perfect every time I prepare Brown Rice in the Instant Pot.

Pressure Cooker Brown Rice / Amy+Jacky Pressure Cook Recipes.com CLICK HERE!!

It is so simple!  It works every time!

I am going to look into this web site more, and will share updates!!

Thank you www.pressurecookrecipes.com !!


This blog ‘proofed’ by…. The Crafty Proofer

Books I Have Read Concerning Science, Nutrition, and Health (Updated 6/2021)


Updated at the end of the original post November 2018.

This is a list of the books I have read after my Heart Attack and Triple By Pass in October 2015.  Before these events, I obviously never gave a thought about Health, Nutrition, and Science … other than the crap I ‘learned’ from TV and Movie Propaganda.

The first purchased book was The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long Term Health.

This was after seeing the Movie ‘FORKS OVER KNIVES’ on Netflix.

After these two events, everything changed.

Changed forever, and for good.

Only seven days later, I bought Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition.

Less than three weeks later I bought How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease.

Eleven days later I bought The Campbell Plan

Then there was a number of books written by Dr. Joel Furhman, first of which was The End of Heart Disease: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease.

Next was Power Foods for the Brain: An Effective 3 – Step Plan to Protect Your Mind and Strengthen Your Memory.

Then there was The Happy Vegan: A Guide to Living a Long, Healthy, and Successful Life.

Another by Dr Furhman Super Immunity: A Breakthrough Program to Boost the Body’s Defenses and Stay Healthy All Year Round.

As well as Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss.

Then from The Great Courses … Medical Myths, Lies, and Half Truths: What We Think We May Know.

And then Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s Most Underrated Organ.

Then Proteinaholic: How Our Obsession With Meat Is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It.

And I will never forget Presto!: How I Made Over 100 Pounds Disappear and Other Magical Tales  Narrated by the Author Penn Jillette

Also Eat and Run: My Unlikely Journey to Ultramarathon Greatness.

Also The Engine 2 Diet: The Texas Firefighter’s 28 Day Save-Your-Life Plan the Lowers Cholesterol and Burns Away the Pounds.

Yeah, this one too Verbal Judo, Updated Edition: The Gentle Art of Persuasion.

Along with the following Book, I also purchased the Updated Version of Finding Ultra: Rejecting Middle Age, Becoming One of the World’s Fittest Men, and Discovering Myself.

And another by Dr Joel Furhman Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food Is Killing Us and What We Can DO About It.

By my Hero! Dr John McDougall The Healthiest Diet on the Planet: Why the Foods You Love-Pizza, Pancakes, Potatoes, and More – Are the Solution to Preventing Disease and Looking and Feeling Your Best.

As well as his The Starch Solution:  Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good!

Born to Run: A Hidden Tribe, Superathletes, and the Greatest Race the World Has Never Seen

North by Scott and Jenny Jurek

Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement

And I have to Include The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living A Good Life.

You must read Walking With Peety: The Dog Who Saved My Life

Eating Animals ( They made a Movie after this book)

The Telomere Effect: A Revolutionary Approach to Living Younger, Healthier, Longer.

The Alzheimer’s Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age.

The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force That Undermines Health & Happiness.

And last on the list, so far…  12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.

All of these books I have listened to at least twice.  Some I have listened to 12, or MORE times, and will listen again.

I have watched endless numbers of videos from these writers. Most from Dr John McDougall Dr, John McDougall Website ( Free Stuff!)

Here is his video site on u tube   Dr McDougalls U TUBE

and Jeff Novick (MUST SEE)  (Full Length) Calorie Density: How To Eat More, Weigh Less and Live Longer

I follow all these writers on Facebook and Instagram.

I subscribe to Nutritionfacts.org !  Also NO CHARGE!  and the videos are SHORT, entertaining and LIFE SAVING!

There is so much to learn….

There is so much power in the PLANTS.



**** UPDATED JUNE 2021 ****

UNDO IT: Simple Lifestyle Changes Can Reverse Most Chronic Disease by Dean Ornish  !!!!! A MUST READ !!!!!

DOPE SICK  by Beth Macy  ( Why America depends on Big Pharma) [and why I do not trust them]

THE DORITO EFFECT:  The Surprising New Truth About Food and Flavor By Mark Schatzker ( why we MUST avoid processed foods)

SPILLOVER  by David Quamman ( I read this one in January 2020 … by accident …)

FIBER FUELED: The Plant Based Gut Health Program For Loosing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Micro Biome by Will Bulsiewicz

ON THE SUBJECT of GUT HEALTH ….These next three videos speak to the GUT BIOME and will show why WHAT WE EAT, is SO IMORTANT!  ( and why I grow food IN THE GROUND)… [and make homemade sauerkraut!]

If you REALLY WANT to go deep into the BIOME. watch this video … https://youtu.be/RF9aoLmWJ-A

By the end of that 4th video, you will be …. amazed.



EAT SHIT and DIE: Radical Rehab for Food Junkies and Sugar Addicts be David Clark

The Low-Carb Fraud by T. Collin Campbell

They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45 by Milton Mayer ( A book concerning diet and food? … you will see ) ALSO PROPAGANDA by Edward Bernays [ think about it in relation to what advertisements and social engineering tells us about eating…]

EXCITOTOXINS: The Taste That Kills by Russell L. Blaylock

I am going to stop with these for now. I am sure there will be an update again in the future.

So far I have over 530 books in audio format so I can listen over my hearing aids while I am at work, running, mowing, driving etc. I have not listened to each one, yet some I have listened to (and bought in print) up to 20+ times.

And IF YOU THINK all I read is Non Fiction, well, I am a FAN of SCI FI !!

I highly suggest the entire THE EXPANSE SERIES, and the BOBIVERSE series. I have listened to the first 3 times and the second, 2 times.

Oh, and sometimes on repeat listens, I run the play back speed to a more rapid reading ….


Any questions and comments are welcome.


Standard American Diet = SISD= Self Inflicted Suicide Diet #selfinflictedsuicidediet

Yesterday on FB, IG, and the bird site, I posted about SISD which I called #SlowlyInflictedSuicideDiet

Well when I awoke this morning I decided to change that to ….

#selfinflictedsuicidediet #SISD

I remember the days after my Triple By Pass ( #triplebypassisnotacure ) when I discovered S.A.D. was the ‘Standard American Diet’.

And yes, it is SAD!

No wonder the country of America is going ‘batsh_t crazy’ since the food intake for generations has been so toxic.

We are such well trained and obedient consumers, that we have willingly turned over our precious HEALTH to Governmental Departments who have sold out to whoever gives them the most money to support anything except the HEALTH of the Taxpayers.

We are such well trained and obedient consumers that we let the ads from TV, Movies, Hollywood, Radio, Music, Newspapers, Magazines, Digital Media, Talk Shows, Daytime TV, etc…. convince us that eating Science Experiments and Frankenstein Lab Results is good for our Health.

We are such well trained and obedient consumers that we believe it is ok to destroy our Health and Future Generations by altering our DNA with Anti-Human Health Toxins that ‘taste’ good, and cause weight loss,  but alter our cellular expression.

(This refers to processed ‘foods’.  As in, most everything you see in a Grocery Store)

We are such well trained and obedient consumers that we don’t give a damn about the embarrassing and shameful Factory Farms teaching our children it is ‘ok’ to not just shamelessly torture fellow creatures, but also viciously destroy the environment, our water supplies, rivers, lakes and streams as well as the Oceans.

We are such well trained and obedient consumers that we tolerate National Debates over which Bathroom to use when at the same time we are willingly IGNORANT and APATHETIC to the thought control that is fed the USEFUL IDIOTS to be distracted with … HELLO! Orwells 1984 ‘Newspeak’.

We are SUCH well trained and obedient citizens.

We are a Nation who is ‘OK’ with living the #SISD , the #selfinflictedsuicidediet

This Comfort Zone way of living and believing is regretfully one of the biggest exports to the rest of the world these days.

Cultures that adopt this manner of #selfinflictedsuicidediet  are following the path to Chronic Diseases that pursue levels held by our ‘fastfood’ addicted society.

And by referring to ‘fastfood’ I do not speak of the Drive Through Window, I speak of the manner the processed ‘crap’ enters the bloodstream once consumed and unnaturally assaults the Human Body, and injures Health.

So, there, I’ve said it…. #selfinflictedsuicidediet




“So are you better now than 3 yrs ago? That 80% Doesn’t look so good!”

The title of this blog is the question my friend Wilene asked after I posted some information about my Cardiac Heart Scan….

Yes, I am better than I was three years ago.

Honestly, I feel better than I have been most of my ‘adult’ life.

I no longer avoid, mowing the yard, running 13 or more miles in one morning, I am not afraid of a STRESS TEST, in fact I may see about scheduling one and check THOSE NUMBERS.

Yesterday in heavy traffic, during heavy rain in the early ‘rush hour’ in the Express Lanes of Hwy 121, I never felt the heaviness and pain in my heart like I did prior to my By Pass in 2015.  In those days, stressful traffic would cause chest pains and difficult breathing as the Heart Disease progressed.

I am not afraid to ‘do’ anything now.  I may try to ‘do’ what ever with a bit of wisdom and judicious care, but I would jump out of a airplane with a parachute and I might even try a bungee jump… or for sure ride a big scary Roller Coaster.

The only thing prohibiting a lot of things these days is finances.

You see, 3 years ago before the Heart  Attack and Surgery, just THINKING about those things would cause a pain, heaviness, and uncomfortable presence in my body…. and my mind.

But the more I do since the Surgery, the MORE I realize HOW MUCH BETTER I AM, than before Surgery and LIFESTYLE Change (Whole Food Plant Based No Oil).

I could go on about how much better I am and on several subjects, but Betty has suggested some things are just not proper subject material for Gentlemen and Ladies so I leave that where it is and move on….

Just a few days ago my Annual Blood Test came back wonderful,   even on the results of B-12, Calcium Levels, Vitamin D, and the other indicators that people ‘like me’ should(?) be  suffering with….

My Cholesterol was improved 31 points over last years results.

My Doctor said he wasn’t even sure the use of Statin Drugs could get those results, or would be of any benefit to me, and could possible cause ME more harm than be of use… and that if I wanted to continue my current Nutritional/Exercise Endeavors, he gives his ‘blessings’ and can’t wait to see me NEXT YEAR.

So I go yesterday get a Cardiac Calcium CT Scan Score Exam.  I paid out of pocket $49 through a Groupon offer.

Oh I had to drive 98 miles one way to get it done, but i am glad I did.  I plan to have another one in a year.  Even with out a Groupon deal. ( Currently, the test can cost between $100- $250)

But the numbers startled me !  It showed a level of Calcium blocking the arteries around my Heart at a level GREATER than 98% the average person in my ‘group’ (age and gender).

Like the Doctor told me when I was handed the test results, “… what did you expect?  You already KNEW you had Heart Disease!”

So, nothing new.

It was shocking though to see the amount of blockage.

I am pretty sure these are the arteries that came on the Heart, and this level of blockage is not an indication of the condition of the 3 by passes grafted onto the clogged arteries during the surgery.

I need to know more.

One result for certain, I have a ‘new’ perspective on life since yesterday.

My limited time on this earth has been brought back before my eyes for sure.

Crap y’all, that is some MAJOR BLOCKAGE around that Heart!  How close did I come to just dropping dead when ‘ the attack’ began October 1, 2015?


I assure you, dear reader, that I feel like Superman since the Surgery.  I enjoy eating the Whole Food Plant Based NO OIL Delights I have been eating since coming home from the hospital.  It is a pleasure to average 20-25 miles a week running in the beauty of a morning. (Something I HAVE NEVER DONE till my 63rd year of life).

It is a joy to mow the yard (almost a 2 mile walk when completed pushing a NON SELF PROPELLED MOWER ) and never having to stop because of chest pains and shortness of breath.

It is a joy to take the deepest breath, hold it, and slowly release it and never go into spasms of coughing like I did when I was a DUMBASS SMOKER of almost two packs a day, taking away 7 minutes of my life with each Cancer Stick I smoked.

What a fool I was.

Your a FOOL, if you are doing it now…. but, you already know that don’t you?


Damn Y’all …. this scan shows a massive amount of damage and injury I did to my self for 60 years.

This Scan has performed it’s intended purpose.  I have concrete evidence to use from here out, to compare a baseline to future “… progression or REGRESSION of disease, and effectiveness of treatment administered “.

Sure, I had hoped the results would have shown no damage, but it is what it is.

I intend to learn everything I can about all this, and share it with anyone who cares to follow this journey in my life.

I hope someone will be encouraged to stop injuring their self, and chose to follow a wiser lifestyle.

Every bite you take will give health to your body, or it will cause injury.  There is just no in between.

Am I ‘in trouble’ because of what I see in this report?

Well, YEAH!

But, no more than I have been for these days since the Surgery.

I am more acutely aware of that danger than I was though.

Here is the ‘PLAN’ ….

Live life, like I was dying.   But hey, we all are dying, right?  Live in the moment.

Take responsibility for my Health.  I do not need to delegate that to a pill or anyone else.

Learn more about my situation/condition, and the realistic expectations of all involving the By Pass, and possibilities of life after this Surgery.  Then redefine possibilities.

Be grateful.

Tame my impulse to ‘react’ to the situations I encounter everyday, and instead, respond with consideration of the facts at hand.

I could go on… …

One of the most profitable events in my life is a relationship I have had about 21 years with Betty.

She is totally opposite from me in many areas.  It is a miracle we have not killed each other these last 21 years.

A couple of weeks ago she said something to me that has changed me and my way of dealing with things in life ….. like a awful calcium deposit scan report.

After I had been reacting to a situation I didn’t ‘like’ … ranting, raging, pontificating … she waited for a break in the DRAMA I was performing …. and said…..

” Ray, we are doing the best we can.  At this time, that is all we can do, and we can be happy with that…”.

Later that morning while on a run, I considered what she had said, and the validity of what she said finally hit me like a brick.

These last three years since my Surgery, I have been doing the best I can, and can be happy with that.

When ‘the facts’ change, and I ‘hear’ them, then I will do different.

After reading the report from start to finish, and hearing from someone who stated there is the possibility these numbers are the current status of the arteries that were BY PASSED, then don’t get all crazy with the awful numbers.

Yea, I still need to talk to a trained professional to explain what this report means to me.

But as much as I am dying today, I have so much more ability to enjoy life than I have ever had before.

I plan to do just that!

I am not going to change the crazy idea of hosting The 110 and Beyond Marathon 2065 for my 110th Birthday Celebration.

Don’t just DO something ‘impossible’ y’all, redefine impossible.

(more later)


[ this blog is going to be published now, and I am not sending it to my Proofer , www.TheCraftyProofer   Consider using her services if you need a work ‘proofed’.  She does great work, and can save you from appearing as a abuser of the English language.]




…Being a SLAVE to Your Thoughts…

Friday (10-12-2018) I went for an eye examination because I am breaking up with the “readers” I have worn for 15 years.

Looked like a goofball wearing those $6 throwaways from the Dollar Store.

Why did I tolerate that for so long?

Sometime around 2003, I had Lasik surgery, and about a week later I started carrying readers.

A few months later I started using the strap around my neck to hold the readers so I wouldn’t have to fumble for them in my pocket or wonder where I left them.

I have been looking goofy with those around my neck ever since.

Just the other day, my youngest son was giving me some pointers on grooming a beard, and he commented mine may be getting roughed up on the sides because of the strap holding the readers.

I can recall the interview I did with Fatmanrants.com CLICK HERE to see my interview on EXCUSE SMASHERS with Fatmanrants.com

Those readers were more obnoxious than me slapping the table throughout the interview.

Ray! Ray! Ray!  Toss the READERS! OMG!!

At least I wasn’t “wind sucking.”

Point is… while getting the exam, the doctor showed me how I probably should have had a prescription 14 years ago.

But you know what?

I was content in thinking I would never need prescription glasses again, so I “blindly” wore those ugly things and always had a spare pair of $6 readers in the glove box or locker at work.

In fact, the last straps I bought were a bulk supply of 36.

Why did I accept this insanity for so long?

Well, yesterday I decided as soon as I completed my run of 13.13 miles, (new PR!)

 (yeah, I’m bragging)

that I would drive to Fort Worth and get prescription glasses.

I giggled like a little child seeing correctly for the first time after all these years.

I wonder what are the other areas where I continue to enslave myself with misinformed thoughts, or “half-truths”?

I am so careful to not consume newspapers, network news shows (Newspeak!), or popular culture.  I have not watched the local “news” for years… it is all CRAP!

Yet I still find myself a slave to thoughts and beliefs that are not true nor healthy on many levels.

I mean, it has not been that long since I believed eating a Snickers candy bar and having a Diet Coke was a way to “get protein” and be healthy at the same time…


(Insert facepalm here.)

My desire is to seek truth, and bask in the confidence that I am not dwelling in lies, deceptions, and half-truths.

I want to SEE TRUTH correctly.

Looks like when I pick up the new glasses this afternoon, at least I can see this physical world much better than it has been seen for the last 15 years.

Now, if I can just keep a “corrected” view of everything else, that will be a good thing!


[This blog has been proofread by www.thecraftyproofer.com  Check out her work!  She can save lots of embarrassing errors in your writings… !!]

Grow OLD, or Be A Sheep Dog? Which Shall It Be?

I have never had Military Training, but I have read the Book ” ON COMBAT: The Psychology on Deadly Conflict in War and In Peace” by Dave Grossman.

In the book, he describes two types of people….


#2. Sheep Dog

I am a Sheep Dog.

Really, not bragging, nor grandstanding.

I have run ‘into the fire’ to save some dogs chained to a building on fire.

Really, it is no big deal…. it is just the way I am made.

I will without thinking run towards the gun fire, into the building on fire, or the scene of a crash.

Someone needs help.

I can help.

If there are cuts or blood, I will pass out, or throw up after the event is over, but I will be there in the ‘heat of the battle’.

October 6, 2018 at 6 am, I and my son Joshua began participating in a 100 Mile 6 Man Relay in the Children of the Cane Ultra Event in Port Allen Louisiana.

This event completed almost 24 hours later for our 6 Man Team.

The youngest Team Member was 24 years old.

A couple of the fellows were maybe 35-39 ish…. ( I think that may be a little young for them, but I want to be ‘kind’ here…)

The others were 25-29 ish.

I am 63.

My first ‘leg’ to run was 10 Miles in the heat of the day, and had a Thunderstorm about half way through that stung with sideways rain that blew under the Metal Gazebo while accompanied with Lightening strikes all around. ( this ‘map’ is the entire course…)

After that Storm passed, I shared the narrow mud packed road with Sugar Cane Harvesting Monster Equipment ‘fishtailing’ and throwing mud as they continued with the gathering of the Sugar Cane.

I deferred to their passing back and forth at ‘high speeds’ because in spite of being a pedestrian, I was also an unwelcome distraction to their employment.

 ( the wheels were almost as tall as I was…)

I was probably a issue with their companies Insurance Policy.  I am not sure.

I did not want to become a ‘part of the harvest’.

 (this is a ‘clump’ of mud thrown off the wheels of the Harvesting Vehicles as they passed to and fro after the Storm.  It reached almost my knee ‘in height’, but remember, I am only 5’8”…)

I did return to the starting point, and ‘hand the baton’ as it were, to Joshua my youngest son.

Later that night, no, early the next morning at about 2 am, Joshua and I met on a Levee on the Mississippi River, after he completed 8.5 miles with the River on one side of the route going out, and coming back, where he ‘handed the baton’ to me, and I completed my last 6 mile ‘leg’ of the Relay, and then ‘pass the baton’ to Brandon to complete the 13th and final ‘leg’ of the 100 Mile Relay.

 ( look close… that is me on the left in an orange shirt, and Josh is on the right in a white shirt.  This picture was taken at waters edge on the RIVER SIDE of the Levee.  The ‘black bottom’ of the picture is the actual Levee, the gray ‘top’ of the picture is the night sky….)

I made my last ‘leg’ ok…

Even though I was met on top of the levee ‘one way’ path by a vehicle coming at me,

… got lost as soon as I was down the side of the levee,

recovered to get ON the Rail Road Tracks for a number of miles and not find a Train coming at, nor behind me,

run through totally dark Sugar Cane Fields …

… on dirt/mud path ways while trying to find direction flags the size of a book of Matches, that were not driven over during the day by the Monster Harvesting Machines during the day,

I was glad the reminders that I was in a Sugar Cane Field, or else, I might have forgotten….

go onto another set of ‘LIVE’ Train Tracks that included this stretch two bridges with a stream running under the tracks…

  (see my foot on the bottom of the pic?)

… then see my direction flags tell me to enter a pathway that looked like a entrance to a HORROR MOVIE set so short, I had to bend over to go through.

That was to spookiest yardage of the entire event.

The entire time, i was ‘hearing’  Jim Stafford’s song ‘I DON’T LIKE SPIDERS and SNAKES’ in my mind….

Some have shook their head and said I am too old to have done this, and that am crazy for putting myself into these ‘several’ CRAZY situations.

They may have reason to be justified on the issue of CRAZY, but I take Issue with the ‘too old’ thing.

Old is something in the thoughts that ‘run’ through the mind.

I dispel those thoughts.

Since my ‘wake up call’ in September/October 2015 with the Heart Attack I have studied these and other issues like ‘NUTRITION’ and a lot of Science surrounding this expanding field of Human Knowledge.

It has been, and continues to be a game changer.

I will not do anything to myself to contribute to ‘getting old’.

I may be CRAZY, but I am not STUPID.

I do not want to be ignorant either.

When the day comes, that I do die, I DO NOT want to look back, and discover that…WOW!!  I COULD HAVE DONE ALL THOSE THINGS!!??

I want to look back and grin, and say WOW!! Look at all that neat stuff I DID in these last years of my physical life on this earth!!  MAN was it FUN!!

Was COTC 2018 dangerous, was it crazy, was it off the charts??!!

Yep, it was. I hope it will be next year.

 (waiting for Josh to come back, and hand me the race)

I will be back to Children of the Cane Ultra in 2019.

At this time I am looking at the FIFTY K Run… and I hear some voice saying, ”Ray, what about that other event…”.

Did I hear …. ‘that’?

Hang on folks, cause we gonna find out!

Peace out Brothers!

Run Bold, and You Don’t EVER have tocount calories, nor ever have to measure protein, and DAMNED SURE NEVER FEAR a CARB!

I burn CArbs … i DON’T fear them.

Carbs are MY BITCHES.


(This Blog was not proofed by www.thecraftyproofer …. I am publishing without her gracious ‘proofing’ of my errors….

…. but if you need PROOFING work done for your things, CHECK OUT HER SERVICES !  She is the best!)



Really! REDUCE the RISK of ALZHEIMER’S By 90%!

I have just completed the reading of the book The Alzheimer’s Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age

These doctors say you can radically reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 90%.  And as you can see in the title, they use the words PREVENT and REVERSE.

Well, in my opinion, those are pretty bold words to use.

When reading the book, you will see they chose these bold words without fear of overstating what they have experienced in their years of medical and clinical practice.

If you have known someone who has lived with Alzheimer’s, then you understand the scope of this statement.

The point of the book is simple.  Our Western or American lifestyle is ushering too many people into the horrible nightmare of Alzheimer’s, whether the one who suffers the affliction or those family members who suffer along with the afflicted.

Much of these sufferings can be avoided.

You may ask, “Ray, if this is true and these things can be avoided at any level, WHY has this not been headline news?”

My reply is simple.

There is no money to be made by telling people to eat healthy food, move your body, challenge the brain, and stop being couch potatoes.

In contrast, there are endless amounts of money to be made treating diseases and keeping the human livestock in the feedlot of perpetual pharmaceuticals and medical design.  A design to treat the symptoms, not the cause.

And besides, if you are getting your information about anything from headline news sources, aka ‘newspeak,’ well then you are misinformed.

So, after I completed that book, I downloaded, again, Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It [Joel Fuhrman M.D., Robert Phillips]

When a review called this book ‘… unflinching, provocative …,’ it was not kidding.


Be clear though, it is not referring to fast food as only that which is obtained from a drive-through window nor with super-sized fries.

Be clear the “FAST” refers to the so-called “food” that quickly blasts its way into the bloodstreams of the human body and causes immediate damage just moments after it is swallowed and washed down with high-fructose-corn-syrup-laced drinks.  Which, by the way, includes most processed foods… that is almost everything sold in every grocery store and served in almost every restaurant.

We will not mention the added salt nor the chemicals added.

The key word here is “PROCESSED.”

And you do understand the word genocide used in the title, right?

“…the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation…”

Just think about it.

Just for a moment…


I hear people say over and over, “… I don’t have time to eat Whole Food Plant Based… or… I can’t afford to eat Whole Food Plant Based”.

Well, that is your choice.

You choose your use of time, and use of money.

You choose the results of your lifestyle.


One more book.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B Esselstyn Jr.

Yep folks, prevent and reverse the #1 killer of people in America.

I’m gonna leave it at that.

Folks we have had the cure for the chronic disease epidemic since the Garden of Eden.

The “Cure” is the food we were designed to eat.

The “Curse” is we think we are smarter than the Designer.


(Still not counting calories, measuring protein, nor fearing carbs!)

Oh yeah, also this blog was proofed by The Crafty Proofer  Check out her website!



I have just completed the reading of the book The Alzheimer’s Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age

These doctors say you can radically reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 90%.  And as you can see in the title, they use the words PREVENT and REVERSE.

Well, in my opinion, those are pretty bold words to use.

When reading the book, you will see they chose these bold words without fear of overstating what they have experienced in their years of medical and clinical practice.

If you have known someone who has lived with Alzheimer’s, then you understand the scope of this statement.

The point of the book is simple.  Our Western or American lifestyle is ushering too many people into the horrible nightmare of Alzheimer’s, whether the one who suffers the affliction or those family members who suffer along with the afflicted.

Much of these sufferings can be avoided.

You may ask, “Ray, if this is true and these things can be avoided at any level, WHY has this not been headline news?”

My reply is simple.

There is no money to be made by telling people to eat healthy food, move your body, challenge the brain, and stop being couch potatoes.

In contrast, there are endless amounts of money to be made treating diseases and keeping the human livestock in the feedlot of perpetual pharmaceuticals and medical design.  A design to treat the symptoms, not the cause.

And besides, if you are getting your information about anything from headline news sources, aka ‘newspeak,’ well then you are misinformed.

So, after I completed that book, I downloaded, again, Fast Food Genocide: How Processed Food is Killing Us and What We Can Do About It [Joel Fuhrman M.D., Robert Phillips]

When a review called this book ‘… unflinching, provocative …,’ it was not kidding.


Be clear though, it is not referring to fast food as only that which is obtained from a drive-through window nor with super-sized fries.

Be clear the “FAST” refers to the so-called “food” that quickly blasts its way into the bloodstreams of the human body and causes immediate damage just moments after it is swallowed and washed down with high-fructose-corn-syrup-laced drinks.  Which, by the way, includes most processed foods… that is almost everything sold in every grocery store and served in almost every restaurant.

We will not mention the added salt nor the chemicals added.

The key word here is “PROCESSED.”

And you do understand the word genocide used in the title, right?

“…the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation…”

Just think about it.

Just for a moment…


I hear people say over and over, “… I don’t have time to eat Whole Food Plant Based… or… I can’t afford to eat Whole Food Plant Based”.

Well, that is your choice.

You choose your use of time, and use of money.

You choose the results of your lifestyle.


One more book.

Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease by Caldwell B Esselstyn Jr.

Yep folks, prevent and reverse the #1 killer of people in America.

I’m gonna leave it at that.

Folks we have had the cure for the chronic disease epidemic since the Garden of Eden.

The “Cure” is the food we were designed to eat.

The “Curse” is we think we are smarter than the Designer.


(Still not counting calories, measuring protein, nor fearing carbs!)

Oh yeah, also this blog was proofed by The Crafty Proofer  Check out her website!


Looking Back… Who Would Have Ever Thought

From a post made July 31, 2017, 8:51 p.m.  A recollection of a daring first-time event in my life.

“…(last night) I started a light jog on the treadmill. I would walk a steady pace, then jog for anywhere between 30 seconds to a minute and a half, alternating back and forth for 32 minutes while I watched a Dr. John McDougall YouTube. A first time ever jogging any on a treadmill. Motivation is an interesting creature. 

 I am going to continue to eat the most nutritious foods possible, but now, thanks to the admonition of some close to me, I plan to start working on some endurance and muscle strength!! I guess after dropping 78 pounds it could be time to do some exercise. Updates to follow, but I am sure you already knew that… Who knows, maybe Marathon for Old People or something like that…”

Some days before the date noted above I started walking on the treadmill, but my daring leap from my “normal” routine was the night I tried jogging a little.

I recall it all went well for a few days, and then there was an issue of my right knee swelling and there being a significant amount of pain.

It put a stop to the jogging on the treadmill, and as I recall, even the walking for a number of days.

But I had a determination to not appear as an old man with nothing on his arms but skin and bones, so I went back to walking as soon as the swelling went down and the pain went away.

But what little jogging I had experienced was still a strong memory as well as the joy and sense of accomplishment it brought with it.

I had to try it again.  And I did.

This time all went well and has continued to go well till today.

I recall once when we visited a family member on a Sunday morning and I was so anxious to get back to the house as soon as possible because that was going to be the day I stayed on the treadmill till I reached FOUR MILES!

Everyone shook their heads and said, Oh Ray!

But I did it and kept going in the days that followed till I was passing eight miles.

Then there came the morning of March 21, 2018, when Betty was looking at an article announcing a 5K event in Glenrose, Texas the coming Saturday.

Later that morning, while I was at work at 6 a.m., I used my phone to enter the event scheduled to begin in 73 hours.

I felt a rush of excitement as well as fear!  WHAT IF I COULDN’T FINISH the run in the allotted time?  What if I was last to cross the finish line? WHAT IF!!!???

When I arrived home that day, I put on my walking shorts and tennis shoes (that were one size too small) and ran the 5K route I had measured out by driving the neighborhood in my F-150 pickup.

I was so excited to run the 5K in 58 minutes!  I figured I had one hour from the start of the run since the awards presentation was to begin one hour later.

Later that day Betty and I went to Wally World, and I bought a pair of running shorts with compression shorts inside, and a moisture-wicking T-shirt. I did not want to appear to be an old man running his first event.

Oh, I looked great during the run, but the fact that I was still wearing my “readers” around my neck during the event was for sure a “give away” that this fellow was a beginner.

I was so excited at that event!

I started running outside after that week.  Rarely did I return to the “safety” of the treadmill after that.

Since then, I have run in four 5K events and am scheduled to run in a 6-man 100-mile relay at the Children of the Cane Ultra Marathon in Port Allen, LA., this October 2018.  I am scheduled to run in the Fort Worth, Texas COWTOWN MARATHON February 23, 2019,  as well as the Leadville, Colorado HEAVY HALF MARATHON June 15, 2019.

For a brief moment I was on a 12-man team to run across Florida in a 200-mile relay April 2019, but alas, I did not qualify with the race rules of carrying an average pace of an 11-minute mile.

This was perhaps the most devastating moment in my brief sporting career, since I would have spent 36 hours in a van with the 11 other brothers of the Missing Chins Run Club who were willing to cover this old man’s slow pace, as we had one of the most epic times I can possibly think of for my life of running.

But it has turned into a real blessing in spite of the disappointment.

#1. I believe these guys would carry me across the finish line should the need arise.  The fellows are amazing.  (Google Missing Chins Run Club… you will be amazed.)

#2. I needed a goal to lay before me concerning my running.  That goal, in this case, is to improve my pace so as to answer the question concerning my ability to maintain a pace under an 11-minute mile in 2020 with a “YES.”

There will be more blessings to come, I am sure.

I plan to run across Florida with my brothers in 2020.

As of my run this morning, I have run 611.64 miles in 2018.

If I run 3.92 miles each of the 99 days remaining in this year (today is September 23, 2018), I will have run 1,000 miles in 2018.

I repeat… If I run 3.92 miles each of the 99 days remaining in this year (today is September 23, 2018), I will have run 1,000 miles in 2018.

I can recall the old Ray who was pretty much a “couch potato” before the heart attack and triple bypass.

I can recall the old Ray when he began to discover what could happen to a person who began to follow a WHOLE FOOD PLANT BASED LIFESTYLE.

Those are two different people.

I no longer have tortured remains of animals coursing through my veins, arteries, and cells.  Everything in me is from whole foods, full of life and wonder.  The energy that fires in my body as well as my brain is as much of the power of the sunlight and with the colors of the rainbow.

No more am I running on a lower-standard fuel that is the cause of the chronic diseases of this Standard American Death Diet based in tastes of the stomach, and not in the wisdom and compassion of doing no harm to other creatures who are aware of suffering and cruelty.

I am literally a new man.

And I love to run.

If you knew me before, you never saw this coming, did you?

Neither did I.

But here we are.
