…Being a SLAVE to Your Thoughts…

Friday (10-12-2018) I went for an eye examination because I am breaking up with the “readers” I have worn for 15 years.

Looked like a goofball wearing those $6 throwaways from the Dollar Store.

Why did I tolerate that for so long?

Sometime around 2003, I had Lasik surgery, and about a week later I started carrying readers.

A few months later I started using the strap around my neck to hold the readers so I wouldn’t have to fumble for them in my pocket or wonder where I left them.

I have been looking goofy with those around my neck ever since.

Just the other day, my youngest son was giving me some pointers on grooming a beard, and he commented mine may be getting roughed up on the sides because of the strap holding the readers.

I can recall the interview I did with Fatmanrants.com CLICK HERE to see my interview on EXCUSE SMASHERS with Fatmanrants.com

Those readers were more obnoxious than me slapping the table throughout the interview.

Ray! Ray! Ray!  Toss the READERS! OMG!!

At least I wasn’t “wind sucking.”

Point is… while getting the exam, the doctor showed me how I probably should have had a prescription 14 years ago.

But you know what?

I was content in thinking I would never need prescription glasses again, so I “blindly” wore those ugly things and always had a spare pair of $6 readers in the glove box or locker at work.

In fact, the last straps I bought were a bulk supply of 36.

Why did I accept this insanity for so long?

Well, yesterday I decided as soon as I completed my run of 13.13 miles, (new PR!)

 (yeah, I’m bragging)

that I would drive to Fort Worth and get prescription glasses.

I giggled like a little child seeing correctly for the first time after all these years.

I wonder what are the other areas where I continue to enslave myself with misinformed thoughts, or “half-truths”?

I am so careful to not consume newspapers, network news shows (Newspeak!), or popular culture.  I have not watched the local “news” for years… it is all CRAP!

Yet I still find myself a slave to thoughts and beliefs that are not true nor healthy on many levels.

I mean, it has not been that long since I believed eating a Snickers candy bar and having a Diet Coke was a way to “get protein” and be healthy at the same time…


(Insert facepalm here.)

My desire is to seek truth, and bask in the confidence that I am not dwelling in lies, deceptions, and half-truths.

I want to SEE TRUTH correctly.

Looks like when I pick up the new glasses this afternoon, at least I can see this physical world much better than it has been seen for the last 15 years.

Now, if I can just keep a “corrected” view of everything else, that will be a good thing!


[This blog has been proofread by www.thecraftyproofer.com  Check out her work!  She can save lots of embarrassing errors in your writings… !!]

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