Breakfast! Before I mix it together…

Yes, I am currently eating this as I am typing…

Collard, Turnip, Mustard Greens, Kale, Tomato, top left bowl.

Green Bowl bottom left contains banana, cranberries, black berries, blue berries. rice, quinoa, almond soaked old fashioned oats, slices of a lemon wedge(peal and all)

The bowls center and right side are a three bean soup Betty makes, Mayocoba (Peruvian) Beans,  and the already mentioned blue berries…

Each of these items will be mixed in the green bowl, (my favorite to use for every meal!)

Yes I am eating each of these mixed together for various reasons.

Mainly because I am really hungry and I eat a lot…. and I enjoy the contrasting experience of getting some sweet, some savory, some crunchy, some smooth …. all in the same setting!

Kind of like a ‘Romeo and Juliette’ event at Breakfast.  (Does that translate from a concept I learned in Brazil, to an American thought pattern?) [If not, I can explain in another blog…]

Plus, if you follow Dr Michael Greger, I have knocked out so much of the famous Daily Dozen at Breakfast.

If I ate nothing else the rest of the day, I would have qualified for Dr Joel Furhmans Nutritarian Plan for today…

Also I have been compliant with my first HERO, Dr John McDougall, The Starch Solution!  (Rice, Quinoa, Oatmeal, Beans … …)

Dr Caldwell Esselstyn and Dr T. Colin Campbell would be proud to see the leafy greens for breakfast….

and a longer list of the FEW I follow would all have reason to appreciate this breakfast because it is healthy, simple, and WHOLE FOOD, Plant Based, NO ANIMAL TOXINS were consumed, and no pain inflicted to any other living creature was supported.

Plus it just tastes great, and nourishes my body….

plus it is fun!



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