What Josh said …

Say ‘Hello’ to my youngest child Joshua.

aka ‘The J-Man’

He came back to our part of Texas last weekend to attend a wedding of a dear friend, and he had a few hours to visit Betty and I, and we had a great time and GOOD HUGS!

We shared a Brunch at The Spiral Diner  at 6th and Magnolia in Fort Worth (GREAT VEGAN FOOD!)

Then we ended the day at Main Event where some serious and ‘rule breaking’ LASER TAG’ occurred (I will address that in another blog).  It has to do with Heart Attacks…..

( I will just say this, IF YOU CAN’T play Laser Tag without stopping because the chest is getting tight, or just not catch your breath and feeling a ‘heaviness’ … I would say your well on your way to a HEART ATTACK>>>)  [ ask me how I know…]

But the bulk of the time spent there was setting up my birthday gift from Joshua.

I am now the proud owner of a FitBit Ionic.  This thing is a watch, and …. well, I am not sure ALL that it is….

It records my running/jogging , Heart Rate, and it even records via satellite paths I take moving around and stuff like that….

I am now, in this moment, in a weekly ‘competition’ with Josh and Taylor ….. Josh is in Washington State, I am in Texas,and our buddy Taylor is in Arizona.

This FitBit keeps a record of our ‘challenge’ and will declare a winner at the end of the week.  (So far, I am ahead)  [ No, so far, I am handing the little boys, their BUTTS!]

So, we are connected via this thing, and to be honest, I like that!

But I would like to share something Josh wrote the other day in response to my blog posting about that first 5 mile jog….. 5 Miles (oldmanskinandbones DROPS THE MIC )

The following is what he posted on his FB page….

“Things my Dad has always been able to do:

Have long, thoughtful conversations.
Make the worst (best) puns.
Express his emotions in ways I could only imagine. 
Eat like a pig.

New things he’s now able to do:

Eat like a stallion.
Lose close to, if not more than 80 pounds now.
Run 5 miles in one go.
Inspire me to get off my ass and run.”

According to the FitBit he gave me, I have now completed a 6.81 mile jog/run.(3/8/2018)

That translates to a 10.96 kilometer run.

So, since THAT offers little ‘new’ challenge….(to do a 10K Run), then I am aiming to do a HALF Marathon at the 2019 Cowtown Marathon.

I will train to be able to complete

  • Time Limit: 4.5 hours
  • Distance: 13.1 miles

That means I need to run on a street, at 3 miles per hour +/- …. and do it for four and a half hours.

I can do it as long as the right knee holds up…. but that is another Blog, another day….


You INSPIRED me to start eating the Whole Food Plant Based Life Style.

You INSPIRED me to recover as best possible from the Heart Disease and By Pass Surgery.

You INSPIRED me to never burden you with Life Style Chronic Diseases disasters.

You INSPIRED me to get off my ass.  Well, you were ONE of the Inspirations for that….. After all,  there is that whole ‘oldmanskinandbones’ thing, ya know!?

You INSPIRED me when you said we would run The Cowtown Marathon together.

That sure is a long way from May 2015 when you told a 240 pound FAT DADDY about a fellow named Dr John McDougall and a new way of living call The Starch Solution.

LOL!  I was so afraid you had been brainwashed and become a VEGAN !   or something like that.



Who wants to run The Cowtown Marathon 2019 with us?

We all have eleven months to get ready.

Come on!  Lets go!

The best way I know to get there is WFPB…..


never counting calories, never measuring proteins, NEVER FEARING CARBS!


( and my posse)


8306 Steps with 2.5 lb weight attached to each leg…

Or a Better title is, “LIFTED TEN TONS, AND WHAT DO YOU GET?”

16 Tons   Tennessee Ernie Ford  ‘Click’ that link, and listen to that in Black and White.  (He did that song on the video in 1956….a YEAR after I was born….)

(TayTay W. remember that …)

I will attempt the Math, but remember, I was a ‘jock’ and major Chick Magnet when I was in High School..

Ok, I was a Jock and WANTED to be a Chick Magnet…

Ok, I went to High School where most anyone could play Football.

So, my TOTAL STEP COUNT since I arose from Bed this morning, is 15,880 or, 6.8 miles traveled.  However, of that number, 8063 were taken with these 2.5 lb ankle weight attached around my ankles.  (Over three miles while jogging!)

So each step was carrying that weight, above what it would have otherwise carried, with out the Velcro securing the thing to the ankle.

So I carried 8306 X 2.5 = 20,765  EXTRA POUNDS of weight today via the two weightsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

(CRAP!  I just feel asleep and ‘sit’ on that ‘S’ key for a bit …..)

Ok, that weight is equal to just a bit over 10 TONS ….. yes, TEN TONs.

The sad thing is, I do not think there is a way to let my Fit Bit know about the extra weight, so i ‘lose’ any extra ground that could have gained me ….

******* I am going to bed! LATER!

Ok, it is the next morning and I had a huge night of sleep.

****I am in a competition with a couple of little boys, maybe teenagers …. ???

We see who has done the most Workouts at the end of the week in a competition on FitBit.  I do not understand how all that works but this thing on my arm told me my resting heart rate through the night was 59.

That is out standing!

Which reminds me of one of the comments from a competition member yesterday. When I joined the group, all my totals for the day to that moment came up for all three of us to see.

One of the guys exclaimed,   ” WHAT!?!?!?  I am getting my A#% HANDED TO ME BY A SENIOR CITIZEN!!??”

Yeah, little grasshopper, YOU ARE!!

So I want to know…. what is the effect (or is it affect?) of wearing 2.5 pound weights for that many steps and in total lifting over 10 tons … 2.5 pounds at a time …..?

I know one thing for sure, you sleep really well at the end of that day….

AND you have a##es to little boys who are eating your dust…

And remember …

That SENIOR CITIZEN never counts calories, Never measures protein, NEVER FEARS CARBS!!!



YES!  There it is again!




How do you say ‘Quinoa’?

I am grateful for the videos on youtube.  You can learn….anything!

Ok. today we are posting another recipe from Terri Edwards.

I am intending to do this as much as possible to serve a number of purposes,

First and foremost, these are good information, and good food, and GOOD FOR YOU!

Second, Betty and I have personally enjoyed these recipes and we are so happy to have them in our ‘War Plans’ to combat the Standard American Death Diets…

Thirdly, Face Book put Terri in ‘FB JAIL’ for reasons that make me think of the NEWSPEAK of Orwells 1984.

(If you haven’t read that book, I heavily suggest it!  It will be removed from the ‘Fiction’ section, to the ‘History’ section soon …)


If you have not tried QUINOA! Hurry to the store and get some ASAP !

I love this stuff!

Some whiners will cry, ” but it is more expensive than the bulk store brand of sugar coated mini wheats….”

!waaa waaaa!

Ok, THAT may be a little ‘cruel’, but a few cents more to eat something healthy and unprocessed is going to help keep you out of a $300,000 decoration to your otherwise gorgeous chest….

Sorry, no sympathy from oldmanskinandbones.com  ….

… no, not none.  (Yes, I know that is a double negative…with intention.  Thank you).

Wow… how did I get so carried away!>?

I don’t know!!  MAYBE WATCHING PEOPLE KILL THEMSELVES with lazy choices and actually paying for stuff to put in their mouth that is LETHAL, TOXIC, DESTRUCTIVE, and Government Subsidized ….

Terri Edwards, if this is ‘too far’…. let me know… I am getting indications from my Sweet Miss B that  I am ‘stepping over the line’.  I know THAT by the ‘noise’ I hear from her ROLLING HER EYES at me ….

(Really, this rant makes more sense if you listen to me READING THIS with the inflections of emotion, and passion.  It is not always easy to convey so much ‘hurrah’ on a key board.  Especially when you are ‘self taught’ how to type on a Brazilian Typewriter, keyed for the language of Portuguese.  I guess I need to start the oldmanskinandbones.com youtube channel like my brother David has suggested.)



Finally the recipe from our favorite voice of WISDOM, Plant Based Living, and good food! EatPlant-Based.com


Breakfast Quinoa Bowl


And as usual my ‘signature’ I never count calories, never measure protein, NEVER FEAR CARBS!



5 Miles (oldmanskinandbones DROPS THE MIC )

Last Sunday Feb, 25, 2018 I logged my longest ‘JOG’ever at 3.81 miles in 68 minutes with an average speed of 2.91 mph.

I was so proud of that accomplishment!

The most I recall doing in distance was 3.25 miles … more or less…. yet ….

I KNEW I left something ‘on the table’ when I was through and off the treadmill.

This morning was the first time back on the treadmill since then, and I was determined to go to the 4 mile mark.

(Remember that it was December 16th, 2017 that I recorded this picture to show a starting point for ‘Working Out’ …)

Then I started construction of the ‘Slideshow’ for Motivation with pictures like this…

    (This one is actually is a picture off the screen showing the ‘slideshow’ CHECK OUT THE CHIN on that dude in the Flowered Shirt… … that is me doing some EXTREME SPORTS called ‘HORSE SHOES’… …. really…. )

  There, you can see THE CHIN better now … (WHAT a fat chin…)

So today is March 1, 2018, just about 75 days after the 12/16/2017 Iron Man Shot.

I recall starting to ‘walk’ on the treadmill about then and lifting some weights and wanting to look like… Marc Ramirez from EATING YOU ALIVE

Or the first fellow I saw running and losing weight like a BOSS, Fatmanrants.com (TimKaufman)

I remember seeing this very photo and thinking “WHAT!?  If Tim could do that, so COULD I !!”

That, and the aforementioned event where a dear family member told me I looked like an old man with nothing but skin and bones for arms … ….  inspired me to do the 12/16/2017 picture and get on the treadmill and grab some weights.

Zoom to today…

  For an Hour and Forty Two minutes I was jogging.  Fifteen minutes at 2.8 mph, the remaining 87 minutes at 3.0 mph.

  That was a pace 20;37.  Can SOMEONE tell me what THAT MEANS!?? IDK!

  Not that I am worried about calories burnt, nor eaten (hey, I am oldmanskinandbones.com …. I don’t count calories, measure protein, nor FEAR CARBS!  Actually, I thought this was going to take the picture to tell me the average MPH for the entire run/jog …. but I missed taking that readout …. )

   And this, my friends, IS THE DISTANCE I JOGGED !!!!  Beats the HELL outta that 3.81 record setting 4 day ago, eh?


I was going to stop at 4.25 miles but a picture of Betty in her wedding dress came up, and Rascal Flatts started singing ‘The Broken Rose’ and I couldn’t stop with that song on.

Then, I was gonna stop at 4.75 miles but Dave Mathews Band came on doing DRIVE IN DRIVE OUT and a picture of (THE BEAST MAN)  Josh LaJaunie 

   … and who could stop at that?

So I went to FIVE MILES.

Like a Damned BOSS…

  Does anyone want a potato?

Folks, don’t count calories, don’t measure proteins, DON’T FEAR CARBS!



Great Recipes and ….


(I am so surprised at the large number of people who knew about the POWER OF PLANTS long before I did!)

This wonderful lady is one, of such people!  Please read her story, in her words! (Click the following link)

Meet TERRI EDWARDS !!  She has  her WEB SITE, she is on Face Book,  and as you can see from the picture, she is on Instagram and many other places!

I have used so many of her recipes and they are great !

It is a true pleasure to learn of all these folks who have gone on before me, and have so much already for me to take advantage of in my day to day walk toward Health, and as well as recovering from the lethal effects (or is it ‘affect’?) of the Standard American Death Diet.

But some are special.  Terri is one of them. (I admit I am inclined to folks from the South).

I do not presume to ever make any money from my ‘Blog’ of an old man, (like, someone would pay me for what I think and feel…right?)….

… bit I do hope my meanderings might help someone other than my inner child.

There is a small number of ‘fans’ I am aware of, who read these musings, and have written private notes saying ‘Thanks’ for this or that…. some say they ‘needed a laugh’, others are just glad they are not me and the ‘lucky’ who have the privilege to be in my inner circle of Family and close Friends…

I hope to offer you, the reader, this…


Tools to use as you make the decisions to responsibly take charge of not just your life, but your HEALTH.

And along with that pursuit, take charge of your joy, and happiness.  Even the PLEASURES of Healthy Food, that tastes wonderful.

I will be posting recipes from Terri, to show support, and gratefulness for what she has given to me.

The first I offer for your consideration is VEGAN CHILI CHEESE FRIES.

I saved and printed this recipe yesterday, and will update with pictures as soon as I get the plate completed!

(The non dairy cheese is awesome!  I am writing this at 5:15 AM and my mouth is watering!)

Thank you Terri Edwards for Your Recipes and your Gift of good health, that tastes GOOD!


I never count calories, never measure protein, and NEVER FEAR CARBS!  (And in doing those ‘nevers’, I have found support, internet friendships, and TOOLS…. and I share that with you today, through Terri Edwards)