Learning new things can occur in unusual places…

It was May 2015 that my journey into Whole Food Plant Based Life Style started on a camping trip with my youngest son Joshua, and his friend Taylor.

I showed up with the usual foods ‘men’ eat when camping… a huge volume of dead meats, and canned Spam for good measure.

My son began to unload his contributions to the food stash, and it looked like a veggie and fruit vender had arrived to set up a sale at the Farmers Market.

I was shocked and fearful.  Had my dear little son been captured by a cult, and brainwashed into turning into a damnable VEGAN?

He explained it was simply the best nutrition for the cheapest cost for a starving college student.  That after research, he was telling something about ….”starchavore” ….something about a fellow named McDougal … anyway, it was good food, and cheap prices….who could object about that.

Josh had given up sodas many months before at the encouragement of his big brother Clifton.  Now that was scary to me since I was doing several Big Gulp portions of regular sodas a day at the time.

But after hearing bits and pieces of the reason ‘why’ it was healthy to eat this new way, I decided my 240 pounds were too much for me, and besides, I love beans and rice, as well as potatoes.

Thus started a journey to where I am today over two years later.  And the journey continues to enlarge each day.

I have come a long way from giving up sodas, and eating more beans, rice, and potatoes….

Honestly, it has been fun.

And remember through it all, No Calories were counted, No Protein Measured, NO CARBS were FEARED!


This is going to be fun!

So day two of the blog, and some of this is coming to me as a splash of cold water!

One of my heroes is fatmanrants.com.

For over a year now, I have told all the ‘though guys’ at work to follow this ‘real man’ on Facebook. See how you can eat like this and be a real tough guy….you know, appealing to the ….well, tough guy mentality. ( just because I don’t eat meat, it does not make me a sissy…)

Just this morning about 2am it occurred to me that fatmanrants.com was his ‘blog’. I think I can say, his web site.

So I go there, and sure enough, there it is!

Wow. This is going to be fun. Or at least, it is going to be funny to some.

I fear it could be embarrassing to my children who have more comfort with a mouse in their hand, or tapping a touch screen, than I have ideas about how to mix kale and collard greens to make something pretty for lunch.

Although, I am getting pretty close to Siri, with her British accent.

I remember the night my oldest son did a major face palm when I was transferring photos one at a time from a floppy disk and attempting to make a panoramic set of pictures for a home I had listed in my Realtor days. My son asked why I didn’t just copy and paste all the photos at once, and I replied, “… what is copy and paste…?”

Believe me, that is funny to me now….not so much to him.

But it wasn’t near as funny when less than ten days later I asked him what he meant by “… Cut and paste?” The ‘rolling of his eyes’and another face palm doesn’t begin to explain….

So keep this in mind when you read these blog thingies …. Here types a man who remembers getting his first TV, party line telephones, and the day when my Grandma Beulah got running water inside her home in the mid sixties (yes, they did not need the outhouse any longer).

Remember, in the writing of this blog thingie, No calories were counted, No protein was measured, and NO CARBS were feared!


Can anyone hear me? How does this work?

For sometime now everyone….well several…..ok, a few of my friends have told me over and over I needed to start a blog. My reply was,”… Great! … What is it?”

So today after so many times discussing and cursing over the idea that I need to be writing all ‘this’ stuff down…. I have decided to start a blog.

So this morning while doing the mile and three quarters on the treadmill, I studied the ‘ How To’ of doing a blog.

Almost 12 hours later, I have a headache and all I know for sure is that I now have a domain name ( oldmanskinandbones.com ), and that I have spent $48 dollars for what I hope is a blog thingy.

If I make a dime off this in the next year, it will be a shock. If I make enough to cover the $48 a year, I will be pleased. If I get rich, I might get me a cabin in the wilderness and hide from ‘the world’ (as long as I can still get strong Wi-fi, and continue to have Siri answer me in a British accent. { but I will be ready for that party in the year 2065 +\_ … More on that later…}

Maybe my ranting and ravings for the last weeks have pushed my Social Media friends to the point of hoping I will do something on a new platform, then they can have some relief from the famous social media of FB.

It has been a strange few weeks as we watch the end of the Summer of 2017 fade away.

I have celebrated 2 years after the Triple By Pass, and two years on the Whole Food Plant Based No Salt No Oil No Sugar Life Style. I have lost 78 pounds eating tons of these foods. And have at this date over 600 hours of books read to me on the subject of Nutrition.

I am over two years with no known ingestion of animal product, no dairy, and little if any processed food stuffs.

But more than that, I have watched two Hurricanes visit Puerto Rico where my Grand Daughters have lived for some time now…. I have watched family go to the Doctor and come away with disturbing news. I have listened as friends and fellow co workers younger than I have serious health issues, and one even die at the age of 53…. and that less than a week after seeing his son die. I have watch my sweet wife suffer through the slow death of her English Bulldog Sir Paul. I have cried with her over that, and still do….

I need to stop for the day….

Oh, and to be sure this is included into this first attempt of a blog, I want to invite you all to my 110th Birthday Party to be held in 48 years from now.

Be sure to tune in, or what ever you do for a blog, and get the details, who, why, and how of that party.

If all goes well and as planned, I will be dancing at the Party, and 110 years old.


Oh! And remember, in posting this blog thingie … No calories were counted, No protein measured, NO CARBS WERE FEARED!
