100 Miles Run X 2 and George Strait …?? DO WHAT!!??

The moment I took this picture I had just ran 100 miles in a month for the 2nd month in a row.

Not bad for oldmanskinandbones.

Not bad since 1026 days ago I had a Triple By Pass, and had no idea what life would be after such a major surgery.

(It was sometime after this picture was snapped and no one was left in the room but myself, but Betty and LeRoi , when I ‘came back’ and thought I was on a the sixth floor of a submarine.   Oh, and Chris the Nurse was there.  I did not like Chris the Nurse).

But I am fine now.  And I made up with Chris the next day, and never saw him again.

That, is ok with me.

So 1026 days later I have lost 82 pounds, am off all medication EXCEPT Whole Foods-Vegetables-Fruits-Beans-Legumes….


… after two and a half years of the WFPBNO Lifestyle (Whole Food Plant Based NO OIL)[not even Olive nor Coconut Oil] I began to exercise, and,  OF ALL THINGS!    I STARTED RUNNING!!

I REPEAT !!!!!!!************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!************!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******************!!!!!!!!!!!!!********


THEN I started exercising and THEN RUNNING.

MY Change in life style was to be healthy AND NEVER HAVE ANOTHER HEART ATTACK.  I DID NOT GET THAT BY joining a gym, nor buying spandex workout clothes.

I DID NOT WANT TO WORK OUT.  BUT, after the body was in better condition/healthy, then I FELT LIKE WORKING OUT.

Please, do not think (as many do), that I workout/run to get healthy, or lose weight.

I now workout and run BECAUSE I GOT HEALTHY.

There is a world of difference in those two statements.


(see first picture above)

This morning I ran past the 2nd 100 mile month.

I now have four days remaining in the month to run 25 more miles and earn a virtual award on STRAVA for finishing 200 kilometers in a month.


Now, when I completed the 100 mile mark this morning….. I KID YOU NOT!! The next song that started in that moment was …


I love this song and have the greatest respect for George Strait.

But the song is about a fellow getting older in body, but not the spirit….

Here are the lyrics…

I still feel 25 
Most of the time
I still raise a little Cain with the boys
Honky Tonks and pretty women
But Lord I’m still right there with’em
Singing above the crowd and the noise
    Sometimes I feel like Jesse James
Still trying to make a name
Knowing nothing’s gonna change What I am
I was a young troubadour
When I wrote in on a song
And I’ll be an old troubadour
When I’m gone
Well the truth about a mirror
Is that a damn old mirror
Don’t really tell the whole truth
It don’t show what’s deep inside
Or read between the lines
And it’s really no reflection of my youth

I know many think I am too old, too ‘OCD’, ‘flash in the pan’ or ‘balls to the walls’….

… and well, that may well be true…

… I’ll be damned if I let some number, or a ‘damned old mirror’ try to tell the truth about what is deep inside, or read between the lines, and define what is the reflection of my youth…

If you want to know who or what I am …. ask me.

I ain’t afraid to tell you.

But don’t ask ‘my age’, and don’t ask a mirror….especially a ‘damned old mirror’… and think THAT DEFINES ME.

And among the things you may hear me say ‘I ‘am, you will hear that I am first of all a ‘wild and crazy WFPBNO person’… and you will hear that I am a ‘runner’.  I will tell you I am a kind person who does not want to inflict pain on anything like dogs, cats, cows, pigs nor chickens etc.

I am not going to eat them, and feel good that I am a ‘hand on the knife that slashes their throat so they can die in terror and pain, so I can feed a learned choice of consuming their rotting dead body parts.  (If you eat ANIMALS, your hand is on that knife that slaughters them).

But you will not hear me say I am a vegan, nor vegetarian.



Pictured just below, is my ‘MATURE aged English Bull Dog Buddy’  Elton Lord Tennyshuz

I asked Betty if he was considered in his ‘Golden Years’, a ‘Senior Citizen’, or what.

She said he was ‘Mature’.

So, that is the end of that subject.

Anyway, we are sitting on the back porch after my run this morning, and the words of the song ‘Troubadour’ start going through my mind again.

Well the truth about a mirror
Is that a damn old mirror
Don’t really tell the whole truth
It don’t show what’s deep inside
Or read between the lines
And it’s really no reflection of my youth”

I guess the same can be said for a ‘picture’ as well as a mirror.

And all of that can be said about a friend who happens to be an English Bull Dog too….


{{I suffer from an ? affliction ?  of ‘hearing’ or thinking of a part of a song to go with almost every event that occurs in each moment in my day.

If I try to ‘make it happen’ it doesn’t go so well, but if I just let it ‘flow’ it gets pretty good…… well, in my opinion.

I have a cousin (Donnie Martin) who is so much more advanced in this…. affliction …..

He is so much fun to be with when this ability is shared and enjoyed…. we think ….. our wives don’t though …..}}


The song that played on my head set just before I made the 100 miles complete this morning was ‘REELIN in the YEARS’ by Steely Dan.

(Yes, I have song extremely special songs on my running play list….)

The first verse really stood out to me this morning….

“Your everlasting summer
You can see it fading fast
So you grab a piece of something
That you think is gonna last
But you wouldn’t know a diamond
If you held it in your hand
The things you think are precious
I can’t understand…..”

I thought about folks, omg, even entire populations who have grasp at the ‘everlasting summer’ of losing weight, ‘getting ripped’, six pack abs…. and the whole buffed up, or ‘bikini’ body thing….

Folks, do you not realize all that is ‘fading fast’ and it won’t last!  Dieting is a ‘everlasting summer’.

Pursuing ‘ALL THAT’  and the hopeless emptiness it offers…. is nothing compared to the simple plain truth of just being HEALTHY.

Summer will pass, Autumn will arrive, and soon Winter will be all around you like the cold hard fact IT is.

Hows that ‘bikini’ body gonna work for you then…?

Will you be fit enough to endure those cold dreary days with enough HEALTH, to make it to the next Spring?

Please consider the route that leads to sustainable HEALTH.

Avoid the foolishness of counting calories, measuring proteins, and fearing CARBS.


Yeah, oldmanskinandbones.com is rambling on a bit today…

… but HEY!  wasn’t it Led Zeppelin that said….

“…Got no time for spreadin’ roots
The time has come to be gone
And thoough our health we drank a thousand times
It’s time to ramble on…”

“…I ain’t tellin’ no lie
Mine’s a tale that can’t be told
My freedom I hold dear
How years ago in days of old
When magic filled the air
‘T was in the darkest depths of Mordor
I met a girl so fair
But Gollum, and the evil one
Crept up and slipped away with her
Her, her, yeah
Ain’t nothing I can do, no…”.

But then the Allman Brothers Band said…

“…Lord, I was born a ramblin’ man
Tryin’ to make a livin’ and doin’ the best I can
And when it’s time for leavin’
I hope you’ll understand
That I was born a ramblin’ man…”.

(See?  what I mean …?)

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