MASK QUIZ: I Scored 47 Days OFF, What Is YOUR SCORE?

The following is from a friend Tom Woods. TAKE THE QUIZ!!

It is so COOOOOL !!!!

“Now we can really see how much good the devastating restrictions, stay-at-home orders, and all the rest of it actually did.

Let’s compare neighboring states that had different policies, and see if people can tell, on an unlabeled chart, which is which.

Let’s see if they can tell where Thanksgiving is on this chart of the Midwest. Remember: Thanksgiving should be followed by a big spike. Try to find it!

And so on.

Enjoy, and of course please share far and wide:

Tom Woods”

Please let me know your score!

I Don’t Believe in ‘Science’, I Believe in Voodoo WFPB.

The problem with today’s definition of science, is that most people believe in the Social Media Science.

I guess now what I believe in (the whole food plant-based lifestyle) is defined by today’s ‘woke people’ as something more ‘voodoo’ than what they now call ‘science’ … Because it seems that what they USED to promote as science, is now ‘less than’, and is not as important, and could be called something as horrible as Voodoo?

So I’m going to go with The Voodoo Whole Food Plant Based thingy ….. that’s my stuff!! yeah baby !!

I trusted it WITH MY LIFE after the Triple By Pass, and it has served me well.

I will still trust it today, and tomorrow.

…even if it seems to have fallen ‘from grace’ and is no better than VOODOO now ….

(what a shame)

Hey !! Ooga Booga!!!! I am sure in WFPB Voodoo lingo that means, ” pass the Blue Berries”

2020: Frustrated, Angry, & Pissed Off

I have endeavored so many times to put in writing what ‘2020’ has meant to me. Each attempt has ended up just sitting there, falling short of being ready to post.

For one thing, I make them too long. Too many things I want to say, on so many subject.

So here goes the main point…. I ain’t taking THE JAB of the alleged Vaccine.

It is not a Vaccine, it is a Medical Gene Therapy Experiment and I will not consent to being a Lab Rat.

I’m not a fan of testing on Animals, why would I want ME to be one of the Animals?

Each time I hear another person has ‘gotten THE JAB’, I get a sick feeling in my stomach.

I am confused to see the emotions expressed when they even just get an appointment to submit to THE JABBING.

It is like, it is better than an Orgasm. Or, that moment when you were lost at Sea, treading water, and just before you give up and drown, the Coast Guard arrives, and pulls you out of the water.

Also, those who report their JAB Success Story seem to comment the location was ‘clean’, ‘orderly’, and the folks volunteering were all so ‘nice, kind, and friendly’.

(I immediately recall the movie THE INVASION of the BODY SNATCHERS, or the book THE PUPPET MASTERS.)

Please remember that after having a Triple By Pass in 2015, I have turned away from the Medical/Pharmaceutical/Governmental Mafia, and don’t even take a Baby Aspirin … not to mention Statin Drugs, Blood Pressure Medications, and Hell No! I do not go to ‘SCHEDULED CHECKUPS’ with any Doctors. I try to avoid those who make their money finding things to give medications and procedures to ‘fix’.

If, after shunning these Medical/Pharmaceutical/Governmental Mafia things for over 5 years, why would I all the sudden trust, and throw myself at the feet of the very Overlords who claim they have in mere moments created a HolY Corona Vaccine, when all attempts have failed over the last decades? … and killed the Ferrets!

I didn’t trust them before The HoLY Rona, I damned sure don’t trust them now.

Obviously a LOT OF PEOPLE DO trust The Medical/Pharmaceutical/Governmental Mafia, and their pills, toxic products, and Drive Thru Window/Fast Food Life Styles. I do understand I AM in the MINORITY following a Whole Food Plant Based Lifestyle, AND TRUSTING IT WITH MY HEALTH AND LIFE. (Wasn’t THAT the whole deal anyway?)

The ‘Haters’ gonna HATE me on this one though …

BUT, snake will always be a snake. Nature is always going to be Nature. And Mankind will never be God. (Even though GOD SURELY MADE MISTAKES and MANKIND MUST CORRECT THOSE MISTAKES)

**** PLEASE note the attempted sarcasm ****

I know ‘all this coming out’ and ‘saying it’, will cost me ‘Fans’, ‘Friends’, and ‘Followers’.

I don’t care.

I am being true to me.

If this ‘bothers’ you, then so be it.

I am not content to be just another BRICK in the Wall.

Plus, I am saving my internal ‘BIOME’, and could possible be one of the few remaining Males in the WORLD, who could possible make a fortune selling his sperm, since it is possible the males would all become sterile from this Experimental Gene Therapy.

I am going to do ME, and you can go do YOU.

That is the way it should be.

I do not chose to ‘run’ with the HERD, play their games.

Just leave me alone, and let me play the game I chose.

Do not tell me I must OBEY.

Just because everyone else is doing ‘it’ ….