Free Your Mind! And the rest will follow!

The following was a post from

“Dave’s Killer Bread, hummus, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, salt, pepper with side of pomegranate seeds. Prep time: minutes. Taste: as if the angels descended from heaven with the ingredients.

This is my kinda imagination when to comes to food.

Besides I like Dr Garth Davis because he is a Texan.  Plus, he is a ‘take no crap’ kinda guy….

Also, I have read his book three times and recommend it to everyone!

Our culture really is killing itself with the things we eat… like animal protein.

But back to the post…

I have always been attracted to strange combinations of food.  But then it seems I have been strange with food for as long as I remember.

My first ‘official’ job was at the local Grocery Store in the big city of Wolfforth Texas. (Ha ha, ‘spell check’ does not recognize that word…!)

When I began to draw my pay from the Grocery Store, I found I could buy ‘stuff’ I wanted, and eat it all myself.  I had three brothers and they were not going to get any of this hard earned bounty!

So, when I got this stuff home, I would hid it under my mattress.  I would sneak it out when I wanted to enjoy what usually was snack crackers like the ever so famous  ‘Chicken in a Biskit’… Club Cracker was there too.

I am assured by my sweet wife Betty that was the beginning of some kind of a mental disorder with food.

I have assured her, there was probably a disorder before that…

As the days of 2017 are almost gone,  I begin my third year of ‘This Way of Eating’ (WOE).  I have listened to almost 700 hours of books on Nutrition, Health, and things that interest a fellow with the almost 8” ‘zipper’ in his chest from the Triple By Pass.  And… I still create some really strange looking stuff to eat, and some of it is really good. Some of it …. well …

You know how I hate to throw things away, so once in a while, some of my creations ‘gone wrong’, could really use the Chickens formerly kept in the back yard at the other house for disposal.  They were great pets, but after the Heart Attack and my research on caring for the heart, I stopped eating any Animal Products… including eggs.

I miss them, but I sure do not miss the Clogged Arteries and Doctor Bills that take 12 years to pay off.

Remember, I am breaking averages here.  A BY PASS, Stent victim on average, returns for more By Pass or Stents with in one year…. It is because they are told it is fine to continue eating all the stuff that made the By Pass and Stents necessary.

I am two years and three months after my By Pass, and breaking averages with every bite of Whole Food I take.

So, to keep me happy with the Whole Food Plant Lifestyle, I make a wide variety of things to eat.

Some is weird.

But here is my regret I have with all this…

I do not have more time, and meals to eat everything I want to try, and I want to try so many of these WFPB treats over and over… …

Yeap folks, it is fun!

And, sometimes it scares the less adventurous.

Join the fun!  Try something new.

Lose the tongues addiction to salt, processed sugars and fried stuff…. and Animal Protein.

A world of wonderful sensual pleasure will assault your taste buds, make you healthy, and on top of that…. you feel so much better, and your skin is not greasy any longer.

I have lost 79 pounds (so far) and never counted a calorie, never measured protein, and never FEARED CARBS.



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