When I had Scurvy (Vitamin C Deficiency)It was AWFUL!!


Chances are you have never known anyone who suffered Scurvy, or suffered a Vitamin Deficiency at all.

However, on the other hand I am sure you have known someone who suffered from a self inflicted injury commonly known as a ‘Chronic Disease’.

These are lifestyle diseases and again, are self inflicted.

( IF you know me, then, you know one who suffered from a Chronic Disease.  But wait… I bet you can name at least a dozen people in less than 45 seconds who suffer or suffered from a Chronic Disease… )

Oh, by the way, the reason the American Public thinks there are Vitamin Deficiencies is because the Media, Government, Medical/Pharma Industries, and the Major Chronic Disease Industries have told us to believe so through advertisement campaigns , TV, radio, print, etc.

… and we ‘bought it’ …. …. literally.

Yeah, I am about to complete the Book by Dr John McDougall, “The Starch Solution” for the second time.

When I get through, I will listen to it on a faster speed for the 3rd run through all he offers…

and yes it is worth it….

Get it… and save your giant hospital bills and ugly scars…

Be sure and check out the three blue marks at the 10″ … ( I watched them pull those tubes out, and throw in the trash bag.

Motivation…. I love it.

Yeah folks, you have never seen Scurvy, Protein Deficiency, or any of those other scare tactics the Supplement Companies need you to buy into….

It is part of the game… and in general, we the public get played…. like a out of tune fiddle.

Ok, what I am about to show you will be updated in three months….

And remember, what you are about to see is a rare sight…

Here is goes….

Please, control yourself….

THAT will be updated in three months.

( I better set a timer… )

Not counting calories, Not measuring Proteins, NEVER FEARING CARBS!


[ …. really need to work on the ‘tan’ …]

What I want to see in three months?  The loss of the extra fat, the loss of at least 15 more pounds, a BMI of 19, and like I mentioned, something of a healthy ‘tan’ …

{[  mercy ]}

More Pizza!

The difference this time is 50% Whole Wheat Flour.

You can sure tell the dough comes out thicker, but hey, for the Whole Wheat, I am ok with that.

And in the oven she goes!

Did anyone notice the pan is not round?

I worked this dough with the rolling pin, and it came out…. not round.

And there ya go!

Oh yeah, Betty is decorating this morning while I play in the kitchen… and neither of us are…. counting calories, measuring protein, nor Fearing Carbs!


(… but we are grooving  to Mannheim Steam Roller Christmas Music, decking the halls, and wishing you a Merry Christmas!)

I want to be like Marc …

These were actually sitting at the house to be placed into a Yard Sale.

I looked, and looked at them, and looked at them until I decided to bring them in the house and place near the Treadmill.

They sat there for a number of days.

Oh, I had some pretty pink hand weights, and some 5 pound weights I had been ‘lifting’ (Betty said I could use them, so I was ‘ok’.)

But they were getting so light, I was loosing interest.

The challenge those babies offered was worthy of attention.

But, I pause a moment to ask you a question…. have you ever picked up a 30 pound weight?  Or how about two of them?

Ok, that was not going to happen while walking on the Treadmill.

Well, not for now anyway.

Then I saw Marc.

If you have not seen the Movie, “Eating You Alive” you must get the DVD, or download and watch it at least 6 times!

This is where I ‘met’ Marc Ramirez who is one of the real live folks in this work.

I was challenged by his story.  You will be too!

THEN I was challenged by this picture.  He looks to be pumping 30 pound weights!

So here I come Marc…. I am gonna work up to the 30 pound bells.

I am at 10 pounds now, heading to 30, and …. who knows!

Counting No Calories, Measuring No Protein, FEARING NO CARBS !


I have friends on Social Media. Yes, I just said that.

I have always been a ‘social’ person.

I love a crowd, a ‘stage’ and a microphone.  AND PLEASE take pictures and forward them TO ME!!

When I was younger we called it ‘being a HAM’.  Now I think the word ‘whore’ fits in the description some how… these days…

But I do have friends from ‘social media’.

I have never seen them except maybe in a video they posted.  I have seen their pictures on FB.

But some of these people are what I describe as “real friends”.

I may not hear from them for months, and some for years…. but I do find out there are still ‘ there’ and keeping connected through what could be described as ‘lurking’…. but, that is better than nothing.

The same could be said for my family including my children.

Relationships are just NOT the same as they were in my younger years.

(Ok, maybe not THAT young….)

I have lost up to 95% hearing in my right ear, so I have great difficulty using a phone.  I rarely ever ‘talk’ on a phone.  I cannot hear a phone to my ear with either ear, so I ‘talk’ via the speaker mode.

Since I feel it is rude to converse on a phone, in the presence of anyone else, or with a TV, or radio playing, again, it is rare I use a phone to ‘talk’.

Sending and receiving ‘text’… NO PROBLEM !

So with all that explaining, I do well on FB, Messaging, and Texting.

But through all this arriving of Internet, Social Media, Smart Phones, etc., my friend list has grown exponentially.

The subject from which that list has grown, is also varied and wide….

Classmates from High School and College, past employments, Gardening, The End of the World As We Know It, Being a ‘Boy Scout(Survivalist)’, Politics, Hatred of Politics, Accepted Government Approved American History, True American History, HEART ATTACKS, BY PASS SURGERIES, RECOVERY PER ACCEPTED MEDICAL PRACTICE, and then, (I repeat) and then, the discovery of Nutrition, The Standard American Death Diet, and then the Truth about all that…..

Actually, I still have my foot in the water on at least a ‘little bit’ of all mentioned in the previous paragraph ….

But for the last three years +/- it has been mainly on the things mentioned at, and after ‘Heart Attack’.

But, there are friends, active and lurking, from each of these groups, and some groups I failed to mention.

None of this could have been achieved without the advances in this super fast tech advances.

I am so glad to be alive today.

I look forward to the next 50 years! (Don’t forget my BDAY Party for the 110th Year!)

I look forward to having more friends too.

Thanks to all of you who were and are willing to put yourselves ‘out there’ where I could find you all, learn from you all, and maybe, just maybe, let you see me, and we could learn, grow, laugh, and cry together!

Sincerely yours,


Counting no calories, measuring no Proteins, fearing not a damned CARB!

HA!! You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!


I made Pizza Dough! 100% WIN!

It is a great workout too!!!

OH !!!  DID YOU NOTICE the pocket on the SMALL SIZE T-shirt?


Here is the recipe….

Herb Crusted Pizza Dough

It was fantastic!

I was dancing a HAPPY DANCE while eating it!! ( not the dough, but the pizza)

This was awesome!

Homemade Crust, Brandnewvegan.com AMAZING CAULIFLOWER TACOS, three colors of Bell Pepper, two colors of Onions, and Low Sodium Marinara Sauce.

Next will be savory pies, and compliant FRUIT PIES with Whole Wheat added to the dough.

Never counting calories, never measuring protein, never fearing carbs!

and still lost 79 pounds so far…..


( it is a game changer…)

!! YOU MUST try brandnewvegan Cauliflower Taco recipe !!!

The Solution, Really… You can stop looking.

I know a majority of people will continue to suffer, and punish themselves by never believing a simple truth.

The human body is best fueled on starches… found in Whole Foods… not processed ‘stuff’ with sprayed on chemicals and called ‘enriched’, or, ‘fortified’.

In these cases the only thing ‘enriched’, or ‘fortified’, is the pockets of the chemical company selling the unhealthy chemicals sprayed on the processed crap which a gullible public believes is ‘food’.

I am not a part of that gullible public any longer.

It is just too simple for a gullible public who wants to set around the ‘coffee pot’ and brag about how deep they have fallen into the trap of tricking the body into thinking it is starving, or how much they are grateful for the aforementioned chemical company’s production of a pill they can take to ‘cure all’.

But, my frustration diverts me from the main reason for this Blog…..

The Solution.

The Simple Solution.

Yeah, I am still reading The Starch Solution: Eat the Foods You Love, Regain Your Health, and Lose the Weight for Good! by Dr. John McDougall


Why ‘count’, ‘measure’, ‘fear’ anything to do with what you eat?

Try to wrap your mind around a simple truth… every bite you take is Healthy or it is UnHealthy.

That is all.

And you do not have to suffer, feel starved, crave like a smoker after a cigarette, a druggie after a fix, or a Dieter after another bite of Iceberg Lettuce … you get to eat till you are FULL.


You say, “… how often?”.

When you are hungry…. yep… eat till you are full !


And, you do not have to ‘trick’ your body into …. anything.

Your body will be doing a ‘Happy Dance’ and thanking you with at LEAST one gloriously easy bowl movement a day!

(Most ALWAYS two for me, sometime three… but always wonderful!)

Follow the link in the picture below to see a simple presentation of THE SOLUTION! seen in

Dr. McDougall’s Color Picture Book: “Food Poisoning’


It is so simple.

Set yourself free folks, set yourself free.

Never ‘count’ calories, Never ‘measure’ Protein, Never FEAR Carbs.


(Have FUN!  Do ‘Happy Dances’ in the Kitchen and Dinning Room like I was doing yesterday!)

[yeah, that totally homemade pizza was that good]]

({[ Ok, I am without shame posting this meme again, hoping it comes up at the photo when I post on FB]})

Not a Lo Cal food WHAT!!??

Yesterday in the store I found frozen Blueberries at a good price, so I bought two packages.  (It is not uncommon for them to be sold out…)

I NEVER want to run out of Blueberries… and I have NO problem with using frozen Blueberries… they are just as nutritional ( or more so…)  as what you buy off the counter at the store, and maybe more so than the ‘fresh’ at the store… Check this out!

( https://nutritionfacts.org/questions/fresh-fruit-versus-frozen-fruit-which-is-better/ )

I feel the same about mango too, but I do not like the texture of frozen strawberries….

HOW EVER, this is a post about how INSANE our society has become…. or at least how insane I THINK our society has become.

Blueberries!  Chances are, these were picked, washed, frozen, and packaged before they left the field where they were gathered.

One of the Whole Foods so packed with Nutrition, antioxidants, etc. it is one of the top foods you can eat in so many categories, plus being a Berry in its Whole Condition, it is FULL of FIBER!




We have to advise people to beware that WHOLE BLUEBERRIES are not low calorie food??

Folks, this ‘LOW CALORIE’ crap is JUST THAT…. BULL CRAP!

I wonder how many people would quickly put this bag of WHOLESOME GOODNESS back in the freezer at the store and go by some Atkins produced crap out of a pop top can and feel good about it because it says ‘BLESSED LOW CAL-NESS’ on the label…

“…. well dang it ya know…. that is how our ancestors ‘did it’ back in the blessed Paleo times yesser…”

I shake my unbelievin head….  mercy….

You know, I guess the all wise Creator sure screwed up when a fuel like Blue Berries was made…. oh well…

Folks, I lost 79 pounds and loved the whole WHOLE FOOD PROCESS!!  I never went hungry and never was ‘cranky’ and shaking from hunger…. NOPE!  I had a wonderful time, and still am having a wonderful time!

(MY NEXT BLOG will be about why I was doing a HAPPY DANCE today at lunch with the BEST DARNED PIZZA I have ever ate…. and including the crust, we made it here at home!)


AND I have never feared Whole Blue Berries.



(? this low cal ignorance will continue till something ‘new’ is created to take its place, and the ‘herds’ follow the ‘call’ off the edge of that cliff…)

I am looking for a tray …


This is the Hot Air Cooker and I want a tray to fit inside the bowl, and keep the bottom layer of food off the bottom of the tray, and yet a insert tray where I can do two layers at one time!

This is what I concocted this morning for breakfast.

I could also do another for a mid morning snack, one for lunch, afternoon snack, supper, and Dinner.  I could give each time slot another named and have 6 different meals of snacks to offer to you, but since this WAS Breakfast, then this is a Breakfast Meal…

One Whole Wheat Flour Tortilla with a thin layer of Hummus, then stick another FT on top, and press gently.

Now you add all the ‘fixins’ like you would for pizza, and then put in the Hot AirCooker at 370 degrees and set timer for about 8 minutes.  Of course in my kitchen, no salt no oil no sugar …

It was delicious, but was a bit soggy in the middle (at the bottom!)

So, IF  have to do so, I will get another tray like the one pictured, and trim it down to fit into the HA Cooker bowl, and still be easy to get out when the cooking is done.

I HOPE the bottom would be as toasty and ‘firm’ as the edges….

… more as this develops…

Until then…

counting NO Calories, Measuring NO Protein, NEVER FEARING CARBS!


(… just losing 79 pounds, and never feeling hungry nor deprived!)

Good Read! ‘The Healthiest Diet on the Planet.’


I bought this book in audio format.

It is about two and a half hours long.

I fully recommend this book.

I fully recommend any book written by Dr. John McDougall or youtube, or podcast or newsletter… …

Over forty years he has been telling the same basic message about the Healthiest Diet on the Planet.

Simple, basic, and tasty.

I am now about to start the listen to the book …

To listen to the entire book will last just over six hours.  It will be one of those I listen to a number of times.


Count No Calories, Measure No Protein, Fear No Carbs!

Folks, we are supposed to enjoy life and be healthy, not suffering nor fearing… especially food.

One thing leads to another…! TASTY!

‘Waste not, want not’ is where this adventure began.

These are the soaked Old Fashion Oats I started from the leaking bag of thawing Blue Berries. (one the bottom left of the picture).  I tossed a few Blue Berries on top for good measure and placed back in the frig.

Later that day, I discovered a half emptied bag of Cranberries… (or was it half full?)  I tossed those in the soaking container of Blue Oats.

That evening, I was showing a family member how to open a Pomegranate, so I had an entire Pomegranate ready for eating.  About 1/3 of the seeds were added to the bowl of Blue Oats, Berries, Cranberries.  Then we came home from the Grocery Store with more Bananas and Red Grapes.


I added a ‘old’ Banana and the ‘old’ grapes to the container seen in the picture.

The smooth textures, tartness, sweetness, delightful ‘pops’ and explosions… all joined in a rampaging spree of flavors, textures and, HAPPY in my mouth.

(I was going to use the word ‘orgy’ in that last paragraph, but I was afraid my Aunt Helen might be reading this blog) [That is another Blog, another day …]

So what started out to be a leaking bag of goodies wasted, has now turned into something really tasty and possibly new and …. even more tasty.

Ok, I am now officially looking for a ‘compliant’ pie crust.

But I have lots of time for that search, since I am not wasting any time…

… hopelessly counting calories, trying to measure calories, Fearing Carbs.


( and do be careful these juices and antioxidants, they are so full of the power of the Sun and the Colors of the Rainbow. they will stain the stains on your shirt… )