WHO is this person, ANNE LAMOTT ?!?!

I live in the hope that ‘ah ha” moments will always visit my life and bless the ‘ever loving daylights’ out of me, or knock some sense into my thinking.

Today has been one of those days.

I have many people to thank for that …

As I have boasted a few times in the last weeks, I am now a member of a ‘Secret Group’ on FB and am quite honored to wear a T-Shirt and Cap with these fellows who were former SAD Fatties, dying slowly and Obese….who, now are eating Plants and getting off the sofa, and in some cases walking around the block, while others are RUNNING multiple Ultra Marathons (those are events where you pay a lot of money to enter, and run till your toenails tear themselves off your feet, and run as far away from you as possible to end their suffering… or so I hear…)

I have been eating Plants for almost three years now, and just a few months ago started working out, and in January this year (2018), RUNNING!

Yeah! A 63 year old lazy guy who has not broke a sweat working out since the end of High School Football in 1972….WAIT! there were those years in College playing Full Contact Flag Football during four years of College…. 1978-1982….

Yeah, I played College Football on a undefeated Team ( we DO NOT count that mistake with Dallas Baptist Seminary and their Super Bowl wearing Super Stars)

Ok, so this morning one of the Running Club Guys was lamenting the pain and sorry he felt for friends and family members who, even some at the advice of their Doctors, were on the KETO DIET to lose weight…. (To a follower of Whole Food Plant Based Life Style  [ as I] , KETO is no different than Atkins to lose weight and ONLY a little better than CHEMOTHERAPY for weight loss….) (( and it is SO cruel and senseless for the animals that are slaughtered to provide animal products for greed, meanness, and pollution))

One of the other Members of the Group simply stated the following statement….

“Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save; they just stand there shining.” 

I thought that was the most profound statement of truth I had ever heard.

In reference to the guys in the Running Group…. or ANYONE ANYWHERE!!

So I could not forget about it, and I looked it up on the internet….

The first result came back saying it was from a person named ANNE LAMOTT.

I am going to buy some of her books!

MY GOSH!  Just click on the link to see some of her quotes!!


I checked on my audio book dealer, and they have eleven of her publications….

OMG !!

So far, out of the dozens of quotes I have seen just on page one of the link I provided above, this is my 2nd most favorite….

“Forgiveness is giving up all hope of having had a better past.”

Here is my 3rd favorite…. so far ….

“I thought such awful thoughts that I cannot even say them out loud because they would make Jesus want to drink gin straight out of the cat dish.” 

The implications are teeming with significance for me….

Anyway, I am buying some of her work….

OMG, I am so excited!


PS: I am going to try and remember to be SHINNING ……..


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