What we eat, kills us more than smoking…

The following is a quote from the video I have linked below.

“… the number one cause of death in the United States, and the number one cause of disability in this country, is our diet—which has bumped tobacco smoking to number two. Smoking now only kills about a half million Americans every year, whereas our diet now kills hundreds of thousands more….”


I love NutritionFacts.org

So many of the things that I have learned since my journey down the rabbit hole of lies, deception, ‘Newspeak’, and other Nutritional subjects has come to me through the work of Dr. Michael Greger, his book ‘How Not to Die’ and as aforementioned, NutritionFacts.org

I am not a fan of government sticking its nose in our business, but in the business of food, they have stuck more than just their nose in our business.

We all have to eat, and there fore food and all the industries involved with feeding the world is a very profitable business to be involved in…. and there in comes the government …. saying they want to protect us, when the truth of the mater is, they just want to get in on the ‘action’, and big bucks.

That is why we cannot trust the government and its all caring wisdom concerning our food.

For starters anyway….

We must educate ourselves on the things that pertain to our well being, health and nutrition.

A battle is going on these days for our attention and dollars.  It is the same as the attention Cigarette Smoking as noted in the video linked above.

Can you believe how CRAZY those advertisements were?

Think about it….

In 50 years we will look back at the food ads of 2017 and think, HOW CRAZY THOSE WERE!!.

Maybe we will play some back at my 110th Birthday Party… in about 48 more years….

Are you going to be there?  Your invited.  February 9th 2065

I plan to be there with bells on my toes, and dancing !

It is only 17216 days until then (today is 12/21/2017)

And, as each of these days pass,

I will never count a calorie, I will never measure protein, and I will never fear a CARB.


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