The Poop Chronicles: Chapter #3

Some one was asking me where The Poop Chronicles: Chapter #2 went… …

(wait for it… …)

(wait for it .. … …)

I told them …. …. “… it got ‘wiped out!’

The following depicts the attitude my dear Betty has concerning my ‘humor’…

Ok, now back to the subject of The Poop Chronicles #3


You are only going to get real, usable FIBER for your body from vegetables, fruit, beans, grains….WHOLE FOODS, not processed stuff.

God made it that way and mangods will never figure a way to do better than that!

SORRY no supplements, vitamins or pills will never compare nor equal the Real Thing.

Lack of FIBER is critical to healthy life.

It is also necessary to resolve CONSTIPATION.

It is so CRAZY how much suffering goes on in ‘merica today because folks are eating crap, and not real food, and therefore, they cannot take a poop like should be taken.

They are PLUGGED UP!

Folks, I eat SO MUCH FIBER, I bet you I can be IN the door of the Restroom, “take care of business”, and be out with hands washed in less that 2 minutes.

If I am ‘on the clock’ as a member of the WORK FORCE, that is very few moments of getting paid by the hour to ‘relieve myself’ in the Mens Room  Butt think about it, I got paid while going to the Bathroom.

Ponder this….

Imagine there are 150 million workers any given day in this Country who have to go ‘sit on the throne’ while ‘on the clock’.

Lets Imagine it is gonna take 12 minutes to do the deed, and get back to being a productive paid employee.  It takes extra minutes ‘dropping the kids off at the pool’ BECAUSE the sitter person is constipated therefore using excess minutes…..

IF 150,000 constipated workers spend an extra 10 minutes ‘seeing a man about a dog…’ that adds up to a tremendous loss for the economy of the Country called to free the poor world from being impacted with poop that won’t move.

A message we could share with the WORLD is eat your vegetables, be healthy, and poop freely without creating varicose veins and hemorrhoids while on the clock!  GET TO WORK!

At the imagined math I noted above, we are looking at 1,500,000 lost minutes of workers productive time each work day.

That is 25,000 lost work hours a day.

That is 625 work weeks lost.

Over the last 239 years ‘merica has been a Country, that equals almost 150,000 lost work weeks.

Since America landed on the Moon it has been over 31,000 lost work weeks…..

How many lost work weeks has it been, at this rate, since your favorite team has won the Championship?

Scary Huh?

Ok, I guess we can flush this Chapter of The Poop Chronicles.

Point is, there is a lot of suffering and lost wages because most people want to eat like it is their ‘last meal’ instead of eating like they want to be healthy….

Fiber, it is so important, and thought about so little.

Don’t count calories, don’t measure protein, don’t fear CARBS.

Get your fiber.

Save the economy.

Avoid Varicose Veins and Hemorrhoids….

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