How I make NICE CREAM “Chocolate Coconut PeanutButter Banana…

I prefer the discounted bananas because they are sweeter, and cheaper.

That is how I roll …

 And yes, I peal the bananas from the top, not the part next to the stem…. and all the peal goes to the Compost Pile.  That is how I roll.

Slice them so they will fit into the Food Processor easier, or they can be snatched for a quick snack after they are frozen…  Yep…. that is how I roll …

Not all these will make it to the NICE CREAM …

 Here are the ingredients…

Shredded UNSWEETENED Coconut on top of the Frozen Bananas in the Food Processor.  A dash of Almond Milk, a dash of Vanilla Extract, 3 table spoons of Cocoa Powder, and 3 table spoons of CRUNCHY Peanut Butter.  Do not put the Peanuts in till later… Go ahead and secure the Lid and turn it on high Speed.

By this time, I am hungry so tonight I had a No Tuna Salad Sandwich on LOW SODIUM Ezekiel 4:6 Bread, with extra Dill Pickels.  Yes, I did say NO TUNA Salad.  (It is a great recipe!)  No animals or toxins consumed.

Ok, for the last part of the No Tuna Salad, I added my first leaf of Swiss Chard grown in the Garden….ymm!  Actually I harvested it yesterday because the wind storm last night broke the stem and I brought it in earlier than I planned, but, I didn’t want to lose this first leaf….

Ok, when you start blending the items, if the bananas are fresh out of the freezer, it will take a while to get all the ingredients mixed and the end product smooth.  You will need to mash the items not blended well (because they are almost frozen solid…), into the bottom mix… this may need to be repeated a few times.  NOW AT THE END of the mixing, you throw in the peanuts in and blend a few seconds more.  I really like BIG CRUNCHES so I don’t blend long

If I could, I would lick the bowl the processor, the spoons clean…. but of course, I have never tried that … you can get hurt on the processor blade ya know…

The best thing I can say about this, is that Betty loves it like CRAZY.

That is a ‘vote’ of approval’ with out exception.

I am a HERO.

Don’t count calories, don’t measure protein, and do not fear carbs…. and make this Nice Cream, and you can be a cool as I am.

That is how I roll …

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